Summer Months/Brush Pile up
During the summer months with tree trimming, storms and just trying to get your yard looking good you can rack up some tree and bush brush (say that one 5 times in a row real fast!!). Lately I have noticed all along my neighborhood roads there is brush stacked every where, including at the end of my drive. Last weekend I cut back a tree at the back of my yard that was bad need of a trim. It was the type of tree that you see growing along the river or lakes, I think it is called a river birch. There were several of them along the creek in my yard when I moved there 16 years ago and I have lost most if not all but this one, and it is hanging in there. It developed a bad lean, right over into my back yard, a low lean, touching the ground. I thought if I got back there with my cutters and took off the smaller branches that would help take off some weight and it would pop back up. I did not realize just how many smaller branches that would require. A lot! I removed them and the main larger