This, That and The Other

The other evening I pulled out my Dremel tool to work on a project and ..... it died! I got it about 20 years ago and I have used it a lot. It was a 5 speed but a few years ago I could only get it to work on speed 5.... now would not even get to that point. So I took it up to a 10 speeder this time. I took it out of the box and checked it out but I have not used it yet. Can't wait to see what I do with it. Pulling wedding stuff together so I went in Hobby Lobby today. Hobby Lobby greeters. I have talked about starting to macreame again and see if I could get that fad started again.... looks like Hobby Lobby beat me to it. Macreame and crochet. Nice. I saw these also. Scrap wood and I could make these. This is cool... printers tray but it actually had a wedge back so that it sat in the floor a...