Health part 4
Hello again. Thought I would continue the health blog with where I left off….FIBROMYALGIA. Not only do you suffer from pain, and even while on the meds I still do, but not like before meds. I have experienced other symptoms, and reading other blogs, fibro sites and hearing other stories I have come to realize that not everyone with fibro will suffer in the same way. Not all will deal with the feeling that your fingers, hands and ankles feel like they are swollen. I have, usually when the pain is mid I notice it the most. Not sure if it is there when the pain it really bad, or if I just don't notice if cause I hurt elsewhere. But at times it becomes uncomfortable to deal with. There are other things that I have questioned because at this point I am not sure if some is from meds or the Fibro. But I usually key in the info on the net and it usually comes back as a symptom. At that point I just say, "oh yay, another one"! How about the temp? Oh yeah,