
Deer, Backroads, Barn, Old Home and Just a Vine

Morning all. I went to Lowes today to pick up a few things I needed, wanted to go to Wally World also, Dollar Tree and Goodwill. I made it  to Lowes and Goodwill. I am still dragging and issues with this stone is wearing me out, so I  was really tired after my two stores.  I love driving backroads, always have but most times I want to have my  big camera and of course I did  not have it when I took  that BACKROAD turn. I saw four of these babies today. One road I went down was really fun. It was called "something Spring Creek", yep, don't remember the first name. Started out as a paved road,  narrow but so many of them in rural TN are. Then it got more narrow, turned to gravel, then dirt, then it ended right in the creek. No where to turn around so I had to back out a bit before I  could get the SUV going in  the correct direction.  FUN! Funny thing, traveling another road I also came to the end of the road and  had to drive in the water to  get to the other side. The thi

Whimsical Way, New Do, and Angel

Hi all. Tuesday I actually worked on a piece that I started a couple weeks ago. Board is 6 foot long,  six inches wide.  It is going to hang at the entrance of my carport, welcoming those who come. Do you know a lady  who is always changing up  her hair. Wears it short for a  while, takes two yrs to grow it  out and then turns around and cuts it off again... WELL,  THAT IS ME!  So on Tuesday I  decided, it had to go. Age, hormones,  COVID, life, turning gray,  all of the above tends to make hair frizzy and  no matter what I did,  I was tired of messing with  it. This way, I can blow dry,  style, spike... just depends of the mood. I was flipping through  FB and saw this. I have a couple of shutters that I might need to pull out and play with. But....first I have to finish Evie's toy box. Speaking of Evie, that little one spent her 5th bday with  pneumonia. I have not checked on her today but I sure hope she is  doing better. She had four days of 103 temp.   We have been so dry up un

The Girls

  Sunday afternoon Misty and I took a nice nap on the daybed on the deck. It was raining and humidity was still down so we just took advantage of it. Looking at this pic I would say that  Misty was well into a comforty nap.   Yes, LIly was with us, but she was over on the  glider. Although that evening, Lily was on the bed with Misty and I, snoozing.  And with that, Misty was next to me. I find it funny  how I can find these two babes sleeping together in  the same bed.  But when I come in there, Lily is not  sharing so she gets up and moves.  Silly girls. Pam    

Bad Boy Wasp, Sun through the Leaves, House, The All Knowing Eye and Sandbox

Went out try and photograph  the Ruby Red and he just don't play pretty.  So, I don't have a good one yet. But I did get this bad boy. Love shooting through the  trees! After cutting the yard on Friday,  my son in law came over later and did my weed eating. I walked to the mailbox and decided to get a shot of the house. Kind of hard to grow green  grass in a drought. I said that to Cory and he just laughs reminding me that he lives in Calif. and  they have a  DROUGHT! I love my place. Hey Liz, I saw this eye on FB on a pair of jeans! Guessing this is the yr of the EYE! Remember me showing you  a pic of the sandbox I had on  my desk, decorated for  Christmas? Somewhere  among my thousand of pics are more but this is what I could locate now. 4th of July My sandbox started as a simple glass tray, with white fine sand in it, rocks and a couple of rakes. When I moved from printing to photo  services I did not wrap the sandbox well enough and it got broken. I finally found this cute