Invite to Flowers

Well I guess this says that it 
is REAL!

My daughters wedding invite!

Yesterday Mom went to Kroger and found
these marked down.
So look what I got!

And check out the markdown 
price below.

She got me this one too.
Going to plant outside once they
stop blooming.

 The price was the same as the other.

Now arent't those some awesome buys!

So is spring popping out where you are?


Rhodesia said…
Wow great buys. neither are cheap here, orchids are around US$ 15,00 !! Lucky lady. Take care of them, Diane
Sandee said…
I love the wedding invitation. That's very unique.

You got some really good buys. Wow.

Have a fabulous day. ♥
Billie Jo said…
Beautiful wedding invitation!!!!!
How exciting!
Sally said…
Beautiful wedding announcement! Did you make these, Pam?

Love the flowers your mom bought for you. Tulips are my very favorite (those are tulips aren't they) :)

Debbie said…
wow, i love that wedding invitation, i have never seen anything like that!! the orchids were a steal and they look pretty healthy!!
yay on the wedding invitations, really pretty and that is a real deal on the plants, i have never seen a dollar on a plant in any of our grocery stores
NanaDiana said…
Love the wedding invitation! I can't believe the price on those flowers! Amazing!!!! Have a great afternoon- xo Diana
Ann said…
Love the wedding invitations. They look awesome. Can't beat those deals on the plants. Those would be hard to pass up
I love your daughter's wedding invitation--very unique. God bless them as they begin their life together. ♥
Liz A. said…
Oooh, pretty flowers.

Nope, no spring for us. We're getting winter blasted.
Jeanie said…
The invitation is lovely! Very unique and beautiful. Great deal on the orchids!
Christine said…
Awesome buys and a beautiful invite!
Darla M Sands said…
I agree with Jeanie. Too bad my house isn't very conducive to growing healthy plants indoor. But the crocuses are blooming and other bulbs are showing leaves. Too bad the grass will start growing soon. ~sigh~ Hope you have a great day and feel well as possible.

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