The Rest of Today

After my trip to town today, 
visit with the doc, stopping 
and picking up breakfast I 
headed home. 

I had dropped Dakota off at
mom's for the day. He was going 
to spend the day 
playing with
Klohe and Cheyenne.

While he was hanging at mom's
Lily and I chilled all day. 
So much to do but I can't
seem to get it in gear.

Later....I had an apt for a hair cut.
But I left out early to stop 
at the 
Mystic Heart.
I picked up some healing stones

Entering the store I read this

Then while in there I saw this

From there I headed to see 
Kelley, my hair stylist.

This is what I was shooting for.
Course, it will look different on 
me due to hair color and 
texture of hair. 

I am good with it.

I got to Heads Up a bit early 
so Kelley still had a young boy
she was working on and his
dad after him.

I had to snap a pic of Kelley
making sure that I got the
painting I did for her in the 

My fur babes chilling this
evening. I love how 
Lily has to be touching 
her brother. 

After a nap Lily decided she
wanted to run and play so Dakota
napped and I surfed PINTEREST.

But...after she entertained herself
Then I miss her and I find her
under the magazine holder.

Then she decided to move to the corner
behind the wooden rocking horse
I need to do something with.

She is so funny. I wonder why I waited
so long to get a kitten!

One more pic of my 
drive around town today...

Wonder why they could not come
up with another name?

Oh well...its not a place I will 
be visiting anyway. 

I love this....haha....that would be something 
I would do but on the flip side, to much work!

Thanks for stopping in, 


Sharon said…
Great haircut! It looks very nice!
love the new do, she did it perfectly...
Darla M Sands said…
Your hair looks cute! And so do your fur babies. I really adore the one of Lily under the magazine rack. Hope you feel well today!
You look good with your new hair cut! Don't they make us feel better? Signs were funny
Rhodesia said…
We are so far from our neighbours if I dug a hole at night they would be non the wiser! Love your furry friends they are so cute. Have a great weekend Diane
Ann Thompson said…
The hair cut looks great. That Lily sure is a busy little thing
Liz A. said…
The hair cut looks great.
Sally said…
This reminds me of one time when I was in "manic" mode, I made a patio of bricks in the backyard and told everyone it was where my ex-husband was buried. LOL

Debbie said…
i LOVE your hair, mine is really short too and i often leave the salon and think "what has she done" or "i don't have any hair left"!! it looks good!!
Red Rose Alley said…
Oh, you got your hair cut! It's a good look on you, look nice. Mine has always been long, but it's usually swooped up most of the time during these hot summer days.

Have a peaceful Sunday, Pam.

Mari said…
I love the haircut!
I was trying to comment on your new screen door. We have one like that and our cat used to love laying there and looking out.
Christine said…
Nice haircut!

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