I SPY, Replies to Comments

My sweetest Braden. This class was having a Halloween party at school today (Friday) and they had to dress up as a book character. He loves I SPY books. Amber made him this shirt to wear. Adorable!!! This building is across the street from my office. I have to laugh when I look at it cause now it is apartments. When I worked there from 2004-2008 it was the Federal Reserve Bldg. I would love to see inside and see how it all looks as apartments. The reason I said I have to laugh is cause of something that happened one day on my way to work when I worked there before. It was not uncommon to look out the window and see the guys with machine guns, stopping traffic to search trucks and vans going in. They even had dogs. Well, one day I was just in my own little world heading into work when I went down this road, only to be stopped by a dude with a machine gun. That was before I even knew that was the Federal Reserve bldg or had seen them out with guns before. FLI...