Surprises and Tears
What a day!
Had a pretty decent day, no headache.
but let me start
at the beginning..
A couple weeks ago Mark and I
located 6 plastic large bins of clothes.
I have to question why mom thought
she needed to hold on to a lot of my
nieces clothes. I think she thought that
maybe Amber would have a girl so she
held on to them. They ranged from 3
months to maybe 12 to 13 yrs.
Question was what to do with them?
I did not want to take them to GW.
I located a church about 10 mins from
my home that said they would take
them and what they did not pass out
they would send to the mission.
I headed home from work and
for some strange reason I cried
when I past the hospital.
I have not cried
in a couple of weeks so I
don't know what sat
that off. I headed to
moms to pick up the bins
but first I opened them just
to be sure I was getting
what I needed to get.
I found baby clothes that I
took out for Everleigh. While digging
down in the bin to pull those out I
grabbed this.....

Talk about loosing it. I balled.
I did not know my mom kept this.
It was a ballet outfit Amber wore
at 6 yrs old.
I figured if she had this she
had the pink one from the
yr before. I dug deeper, and
there it was.

Just when I figured I have been
through most everything and
there could not be any more
surprises.....I find yet another one.
That sent me on a quest tonight,
a quest to locate the pics
of Amber in those outfits.

Amber was mom's first
grandchild. She loved her so much.
Was so proud of her in dance.
After posting the pics of
the outfits on fb I jumped
over to PINTEREST...
where once again, I lost it.
I read this.

It touched a cord for sure
cause if you remember my niece
(same one that belonged to said
above clothes) got married just
two months after mom past.
Holly (niece) contacted me and
asked for pics of mom. She wanted
to frame one and place it in a chair
in the front row at her wedding.
I had a frame with four openings
so I fixed it up with pics of mom and
it sat in the front row at Holly's
this had me crying again.
Just been that sort of day.
Then I went to feed...
I have enough pain
on my own but tonight I sort
of got knocked down. The horse
that is in the pasture with my horse
decided to swing around and knock
me on my ass right before stepping
on my big toe.
I took a pretty good hit to the
hard ground. Jarred the lower
back up into the neck. I am
already sore.
CRAP...always something.
Maybe my friends are correct,
I just need to be wrapped in
bubble wrap.
You sure had an emotional day. I still get them from time to time.
I understand getting emotional. It happens to me sometimes and it seems just out of the blue somehow, something triggers a memory and then it's tears big time. I hope you will have a wonderful day tomorrow.