Food, Food, and More Food.....

Got your attention, didn't I? LOL.... Trying to stop eating out so much and trying to eat better. Last night I was in the kitchen washing my Halo's off when the phone rang. I knew it was mom or Amber cause basically they are the only two that ever call my land line. It took about the 4th ring before I got to the phone, I answered and mom asked me what I was doing.... my reply, washing off my Halo! LOL Dead silence on her end and I realized how that sounded. I started to laugh then she chuckled. Yep, she knows better! Just like I tell people who realize my birthday is on Valentines day, that I have tried to tell my mom I am a little SWEETHEART but she still don't buy it! My Halo's! So good and tasty but so little I have to have two. Dinner I fixed one day last night. Roasted red taters, carrots, red bell pepper and brussel sprouts! It was great! ...