
Showing posts from September, 2024

Spending the Night, Fever, Princess and Throne, Thanksgiving, Hummingbirds, Socks and Top Sheets

  My daughter, Amber, had  to work an hour away on  Monday and Tuesday. Her company put her up in  a hotel Monday night so  she did not need to make that trip home and back on Tuesday morning. DJ stayed with a friend whose mom got him and her son to  school on Tuesday but Braden, and Emmy Lou (B's dog) stayed with me. This is a pic of B with Felicity cause I did not take any Monday night. Him and Emmy were perfect. I was running a fever and not  feeling up to par.....hell, I am  not sure what up to par even feels like! But I got him dinner at Subway, got some  drinks (I only keep water here), and snacks. I set one of the  tvs up in the guest room, he  played games and watched  tv back there, I hardly knew he was here. He was so good. He is such a sweetie. He thanks me for everything I do.  His dinner, his drinks,  his snacks, taking the dog  out...etc. Yep, mentioned I was running  a fever. All through this time of  UTIs I have not run a fever, but I did all day Sunday, Monday and 

Grandparents, Cousins and the Lot

 Here I go again... stealing from someone's blog for me to blog about! haha In Debby's Friday  Just Breathe ( blog  she did a question / answer thing and one of the questions she asked was, " Growing up, did you  spend a lot of time with your grandparents?    I wanted to address that question. Not as much as I wished I  had. My grands on my mom's  side lived in Georgia and we lived   in TN.  When I was young that trip was made once a year as  a family. As a teen, Daddy stayed home,  Ray was in college and Mark and I would make that trip with mom.  As a child when we went to  visit, mom usually visited with granny more than us kids, we had cousins! My granddaddy worked for a  drive in. Running the reel at night and cleaning the parking spaces the next day. Saw Gone with the Wind from the top of the building that granddaddy was in shining the movie on the screen. Helped cleaning that parking lot too. I loved my granddaddy so much. He would come i

Losing Talent, Purrs, Fans, Sadness, UPDATES~Ants and Health

Hang on folks, or skip on over to another blog, this is a tad  long.   Back in 2018, I lost  a dear friend, Laura, I had never lost a friend. To that point it was really just older family  members, except for my nephew. That was Oct. and  then in Jan. of 2019 I lost mom. Yep,  she would  fall under the "older family  members". but we all know, losing  a mom is  like no other.  That is about the time I realized that I was now at that "AGE". That age where you  start losing  family members  and friends that are closest to you. Not here for one of  those today,  but by reaching  that age, you also start seeing  stars that  you I have watched,  seen, heard of TV, in movies, on  the radio all  through your younger  years. There have been so many. In the last few years we have lost some amazing talent,  yesterday, we lost  another one. The voice of Darth Vader the voice in the Lion King and  many, many more. I know that some of  you are looking  at this and wondering who