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Get Well Card, Fat and Not Fat, and Chilling

My sis in laws brother in law
had cancer surgery and 
was recovering so I made
him a card and sent to him.

He got a kick out of it. 

A school friend posted a pic
on fb of a group of us and when I looked
at it, I said to myself, "who is that woman in 
front?" haha...its me!!
May be an image of 5 people and people smiling

OUCH...I was FAT.

So I went back and
pulled out t a pic of me at
my heavyiest...210.

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and smiling

Then I pulled one from now,
May be an image of 1 person and smiling
Big difference.

Sunday I laid down to 
watch some tv and 
I had company, Lily
Throwing those legs
over mine and just chilling.
May be an image of cat

My sweet Lily Bit.

Been hot the last
two days, today I 
made the girls come
in around one and stay
in til around four.
Even with fans out there
I rather they not be out
in the heat. Although, 
Misty likes the heat.

Have a great day,


Christine said…
Thoughtful card
Jeanie said…
Your get well card is fabulous. And I loved seeing the before and after photos. Well done!
Ann said…
My weight has been all over the place over the years. My lowest was after I split up with my first husband and when i met Wade
Liz A. said…
Chillin' inside is probably best in a heat wave. Stay cool.
That is such a cute card! Speaking of cute, hello sweet Lily!

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