Axis of the Earth

Hey everyone! I 2012 the rumor going around was that the Axis of the Earth was perfect for standing a broom up and it would stay that way. LOL.....I don't fall for that stuff but for the fun of it I stood the broom in the corner of the kitchen just to see how long it would stand. It was out of the way so it was able to stand for a week or so. A couple of months later I ran across the pic I took of my broom standing on my phone. I had just gotten an app for Ghost Exposure, so I decided to play! See the ghost pic of the little girl? HAHA.....well I could not leave it like that. I have lived in my home for 25 yrs. I have no history of the home but I do know that it is haunted. Stop laughing at me. Anyway, I have always told my mom that it was so......after adding the little girl to the pic I sent it to my mom and told her that I took the pic the night before and the broom was still standing. I did not mention the...