Axis of the Earth

Hey everyone!

I 2012 the rumor going around was
that the Axis of the Earth was perfect
for standing a broom up and it would
stay that way. LOL.....I don't fall for
that stuff but for the fun of it I stood
the broom in the corner of the kitchen
just to see how long it would stand.
It was out of the way so it was
able to stand for a week or so.

A couple of months later I ran
across the pic I took of my
broom standing on my phone.
I had just gotten an app for
Ghost Exposure, so I decided
to play!

See the ghost pic of the little

HAHA.....well I could not leave it like that.

I have lived in my home for 25 yrs.
I have no history of the home but I
do know that it is haunted. Stop laughing
at me. Anyway, I have always told
my mom that it was so......after
adding the little girl to the pic
I sent it to my mom and told her that
I took the pic the night before and
the broom was still standing. I did
not mention the little girl.

I left it at that. Totally forgetting that
I had done that while I worked the
rest of the day. Running by her house
to get my dog that evening, as I entered
the house and headed up the stairs. Mom
was sitting at her computer and she
called out for me to come there. hit me, I remembered what
I did!

I buried my smile and went to the
computer room. She said, "look at this".
I leaned over her shoulder and said, "yep,
I sent you that so you could see the broom
still standing". Biting back the laugh.

She went on and said, " No look at the
little girl, where did she come from"?
I then asked what little girl and she
pointed her out. I acted dumb and
stated that she was not in the pic when
I took it and where did she come from?

My mom said, "well you said your house
was haunted, now you have proof"....

I lost it. I busted out laughing, then I
had to own up to what I had done!
Mom has been at the end of some
of my other jokes also.

On a sad note, my heart is
breaking tonight for my brother
and his family. They had to
have their dog put down

Dinky had liver cancer really bad.
I hurt for my brother, he loves
his animals so much and this
is the 3rd dog in a couple
of yrs that he has lost.

Thumper was 17 yrs old.
And Red was probably around
12 (rescue). Not sure
of Dinky's age since he
picked them as his new
family. He showed up one day
and he was dirty and a mess.
They called him Stinky.
After feeding and taking care
of Stinky, they were able
to bathe him and then he
became Dinky.

He took to Mark, Kim and
Holly but NO ONE
else. I would feed him in
the summer when they would
take vacation and because of his
reaction to others, he had to be penned
for me to be able to feed him.
My nickname for him was the
Devil Dog.
He had a good life after
Mark took him in, he was
well loved. He will be missed.

Thank you always for stopping by,

RIP Dinky

ZUZU will miss you.


Darla M Sands said…
You're a stinker. ~heh~ So sorry about Dinky. What a lovely tale, though. He was a blessed dog to find them.
Liz A. said…
So sorry about Dinky. Funny about the ghost pic.

Amazing what the internet will concoct. "Perfect axis"? What does that even mean? That's like the one where someone said at a certain time you could jump and you'd float in the air because of some planetary alignment. Just goes to show that some people are science illiterate. Because a cursory understanding of gravity would disprove both the one I heard and the one you heard.
Rhodesia said…
Always sad to lose and animal, they become such a part of the family. I can't think how many times I have cries my heart out over having to say good bye to a four legged family member.
I had to laugh at your ghost story, think you would have fooled me as well LOL. Have a fab day Diane
my heart aches for your brother, it hurts so much to lose a beloved pet... I got a big chuckle out of the ghost and your mom... it is a really good ghost pic
Ann Thompson said…
Oh that is too fuuny about the picture.
So sorry to hear about your brother's dog. It's always heartbreaking to lose a fur baby
Sally said…
Shame on you for the haunted trick on your mom, but it's hilarious anyway! LOL

It's so difficult to have a pet put to sleep. I'm sorry.


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