Laugh Day, Stacks, Clearing Off, Misty River
Sorry that I am a day late
in posting this, but I
sure hope that you found
a laugh or two to
brighten your day.
And if you have forgotten,
or did not read this
before, my motto
for life is~
Laugh Hard
Laugh Often
Laugh Loud
I try to find something
to laugh about
daily, and through
all events.
There are times that
things get away with
me and I blow up,
but mostly I take
a breath and find
something funny about
whatever, is going on.
Doing a little outside,
here and there. I pick something
to do, do it and then
that is usually about all
I can do. Yesterday, I went out
to tackle sticks and limbs
that flew through the
winter. Not so bad in the
actual yard but the area
where the trees started, a lot
of bending and picking up.
I have two stacks and
a barrel full.
I know it don't look like a
lot but it is, lots of small
sticks and fallen limbs that
need to be cut up.
I ordered a chain saw for
the cutting up part.
Only, knowing I can't carry
or handle a gas powered
one, and I do not
want a battery operated
one, so I got an
electric one.
I still have the whole, although thin
tree that came down
in the wind last week that I
will cut up when the
saw gets here.
While I was out I tackled
an area right at the
woods, under a
couple of the trees that
are in the actual yard.
I left the leaves
to cut up with
the mower but I went in
and uncovered dead limbs
and small trees coming up.
I took the small trees down
to the ground.
Figure as I keep this
cut, the trees will
stop growing. I did not
cut this area last yr.
I have another area
on the other side the same
I am planting the
two new hydrangeas.
side of one of
the trees in that spot,
thought it was
just strange looking.
I have the hardest
time getting a start
in the mornings. Usually,
I don't get started till
around noon. By that time,
most of the day is
shot. I say that
I am going to just sit
for a bit and blog,
surf FB and love on the
cats, but I keep
finding reasons to
not move.
I have to say thatjust sitting and loving
on the girls is
not at all bad.
Before I moved Wed.
morning to go pick up
meds., I had TWO
of these visits.
She has such a
side rear end that she
just sort of hangs off
my chest.
A few mornings ago, she
came and curled up
on me and we both
dozed. I hated sitting
up like that, so I took
her with me as I
sort of just laid
over. She did not move
and we slept for about
an hour, her in the curve
of my arm.
So nice.