Laugh Day, Stacks, Clearing Off, Misty River

 Sorry that I am a day late
in posting this, but I 
sure hope that you found
a laugh or two to 
brighten your day.
And if you have forgotten,
or did not read this 
before, my motto
for life is~
Laugh Hard
Laugh Often
Laugh Loud

I try to find something
to laugh about 
daily, and through
all events. 
There are times that
things get away with 
me and I blow up,
but mostly I take
a breath and find
something funny about
whatever, is going on.

Doing a little outside, 
here and there. I pick something
to do, do it and then 
that is usually about all 
I can do.  Yesterday, I went out 
to tackle sticks and limbs 
that flew through the 
winter. Not so bad in the
actual yard but the area
where the trees started, a lot
of bending and picking up.

I have two stacks and 
a barrel full.
I know it don't look like a
lot but it is, lots of small
sticks and fallen limbs that
need to be cut up.

I ordered a chain saw for 
the cutting up part.
Only, knowing I can't carry
or handle a gas powered 
one, and I do not
want a battery operated 
one, so I got an 
electric one. 

I still have the whole, although thin
tree that came down
in the wind last week that I 
will cut up when the 
saw gets here.

While I was out I tackled
an area right at the
woods, under a 
couple of the trees that
are in the actual yard. 
I left the leaves 
to cut up with 
the mower but I went in
and uncovered dead limbs
and small trees coming up.
I took the small trees down
to the ground.

Figure as I keep this 
cut, the trees will 
stop growing. I did not
cut this area last yr.
I have another area
on the other side the same
This is where
I am planting the 
two new hydrangeas.

Found this on the back 
side of one of 
the trees in that spot,
thought it was 
just strange looking.

I have the hardest
time getting a start
in the mornings. Usually,
I don't get started till
around noon. By that time, 
most of the day is 
shot.  I say that 
I am going to just sit 
for a bit and blog,
surf FB and love on the 
cats, but I keep
finding reasons to 
not move.
I have to say that
just sitting and loving
on the girls is 
not at all bad.
Before I moved Wed.
morning to go pick up
meds., I had TWO
of these visits.

She has such a 
side rear end that she
just sort of hangs off
my chest.

A few mornings ago, she
came and curled up
on me and we both
dozed. I hated sitting
up like that, so I took
her with me as I 
sort of just laid
over. She did not move 
and we slept for about 
an hour, her in the curve 
of my arm.
So nice.



Christine said…
Laughter is so good for us
Liz A. said…
Mornings are overrated. Do things well into the evening, and then mornings can be mostly ignored.
Ann said…
I don't seem to be too good at getting moving in the morning either. I spend far too much time sitting in front of the computer. Of course Gibbs usually bugs me to go outside a couple times.
Darla M Sands said…
I remember getting "Reader's Digest" in the mail; two of my favorite regular segments were 'Laughter is the Best Medicine' and 'Humor in Uniform'. ~grin~ Meanwhile, I've struggled with a few unwanted trees for many years and want to warn you that total suppression might require a tree and shrub killer. Chemicals aren't my favorite way to go but why I haven't just given in by this time is a head scratcher. lol I wish you all the best, my dear.
WOW, you sure have been busy. It's so nice of sweet Misty to help you recharge!
Marie Smith said…
The post growing out of the tree like that is amazing! Comfort with the furs!
Jeanie said…
I really admire all you do! That's hard work. You deserve a good nap with a loving pet therapist!

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