Getting Out, Cat Cup, Girls, Pine Cones


Saturday, I decided
 that I needed
to get out. I went 
to the doc
on Tuesday and I had
 not gone
back out till Sat. 

But, Saturday I did
get out 
and Amber went with me.
Went off in another
then I normally do. 
We traveled about
 40 miles
off to Columbia 
where there 
are a bunch of
 thrift stores!
We only hit two, a BIG
Goodwill and a store called
Hunt. It was really
 big with way
too much to look at.
 In those
two stores Amber 
did great, she
found several outfits
 for work. I got 
three things. A wire
 basket that I 
plan on sitting a 
pot of flowers in and 
sitting it outside. A
 clock for the 
hands (maybe) and
 my favorite 
purchase was a 
coffee cup.

Looks like it was never
used at all. And it
 was perfect, 
had a cat on it and it was 
Came with a saucer also.

Check out the girls. 
Trying to get both
 in the pic
and Misty decided she
 needed to 
be really close!

My forest out back 
has no pine
trees. Matter of fact, 
I don't see
any around close to me.
Which is a way is great, I 
remember what it is like
to mow over those things.
But if you like crafting, or 
just want to try
 your hand at 
it and you have pine trees 
around you then
 check these
You know I love gnomes, and 
these are just adorable. 

How about a bouquet of flowers? 

This one was new to me, 
have not seen it before.
A wreathe.
Christmas decor.
And yet another 
cute gnome.

Grab a bag and
 head out to 
clear off your
 yard of those
pine cones, then
 try your hand
at one of these 
cute crafts. 

Yesterday while
 Amber and I were
out I saw a

Forsythia bush

in full bloom. First
 one of the season,
spring is coming. 
I love these bushes but
my favorite bush is 
a hydrangea. Going to be
shopping for some
 bushes soon.
Daffodils are also
 in full bloom
here in TN and I have
 seen buds 
coming out on 
several trees. 

Are you ready to 
tell Old Man
Winter goodbye and 
Hello to Spring?




Christine said…
Cute coffee cup!
Marie Smith said…
The cone decorations are lovely. Love that cat cup and saucer.
Liz A. said…
We have lots of pine cones, but I don't have the room to store all those items. (The squirrels or rats like to eat them, anyway. We find all sorts of pine cones that have been torn apart and clearly eaten.)
Ann said…
Nice that you and Amber were able to get out for some fun. Love that cup and saucer . It's so cute. I saw that pinecone gnome on FB and thought it was adorable.
I really like that kitty cup, it's so cute!

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