Due West, Afghan, Kitchen Corner, Cookies and Lily Bit with Deck Time

I follow a group on 
FB and every so often they 
will post a video of them
sitting around singing.
I follow this group because the
lead singer is a friend of
my daughter Amber. They 
worked together at 
a restaurant many, 
many years ago. Caleb was
probably 8 or so, making 
it around 2008 that they 
worked together. Amber took
me there for dinner for my
bday, making me 48.
Before dinner, a waiter came
to my table and sang 
Happy Birthday to me.
His name is Time Gates
and the group is 
Due West. 
Here is a video of them

Bing Videos

Wow, that was so long ago.

A few post back 
I showed pics of an afghan 
I was working on. Well, I had 
to rip a lot of that out. I was being
creative and trying different things
and it got messed up. I ripped all that 
out except maybe 20 rows, and 
started from the point where I had 
messed up. But, I am 
at it again.

All three of my natural grands,
have afghans I have made for them.
I am working on my grands that came
with Amber's marriage. This one will
be for Brayden (yes, I have two grands
with that name) and Hannahs.
 I also have
purchased the yarn for my weather
temp blanket. Not started that yet, 
but I will be prepared when I do. 

If you have not heard of or seen
weather afghans then let me tell you 
what they are about. You stitch an 
afghan, one line a day. It is your choice
to pick your colors and the temp
range. I am doing mine 
like this, one color for 
0-10, 11-20, 21-30
and so on. People start at 
Jan. 1 and cont.
to the end of the year. However, I 
am doing mine differently, I looked
the cities I lived in starting with when
 I was born, Feb. 14, 1960 in 
Port Hueneme, Calif.
I continued to look up the temp
for each year on Feb. 14, from  
1960 to 2025. Instead of having
ten colors mine will have only six 
since the temps don't vary that much
that time of year. 
Anyway, I will share
when I start.

Continuing to add
wood to my kitchen to 
break up the cold feel of the 
gray and white, I did this
corner over by the sink.

I decided to add jars of pasta and 
beans, a lamp and antique meat
meat grinder on a cutting 
board my nephew made. 
I know that is not a pretty
shade on the lamp but it is
the original shade that came 
on the lamp when my parents 
purchased it right after
they married.
They got two of them in Erie, Pa.,
at an antique store.
The grinder
was given to me.

I was sitting and enjoying
my non stressful Sunday when 
I decided I needed something
sweet. I was not going out
for anything and I generally
do not keep stuff here to 
eat or to whip up and make.
But I came up with something!
Well, yes I did.
I took two packages of instant
apple cinnamon oatmeal, threw 
in brown sugar, flour and 
melted butter. Makes great cookies.
Problem with my cookies, 
I was out of parchment paper,
and according to the box
you can also use wax paper.
Don't do that.
I let my cookies cool and 
now I have to cut the 
bottom of the cookies 
away cause the wax paper
stuck to them.

I leave you with a view 
of Lily Bit enjoying
some deck time. 

She is happy that it is 
getting warmer so that 
she can spend more and
more time out there.
She loves it. She even
took a nap on the daybed 
earlier today.

Smile cause you can.
Laugh cause it is good for you,


Mari said…
I listened to Due West - they are very good!
I love your idea for a birthday weather Afghan.
The corner in the kitchen looks great. I love that the lamp was your parents, I wouldn't change the shade either.

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