Rocky Heart, Stepping Stones, Look Alike, Dakota, Cold, Gifts from Treva, and Selfies

 I am afraid that I am not 
the most private person in 
the world. My mom was, and
my two brothers are, I did not get
that gene. So with that, people 
tend to know me pretty well.
I get tagged in things all the time,
crafty things where people
think it looks like something I 
would do. 
Rebecca, my friend and realtor
tagged me in this the other day.

I need to start working on 
a pathway from the deck to the 
shed, and I seem to want to go
overboard, and not just use
stepping stones. I guess I can 
say, been there, done that.
You know with the stepping stones.
I hand painted twenty of these and 
sealed them to hold the paint. 
And although I love the look,
I want to shoot for something 
different this time. 
I might consider the rock heart
like Rebecca sent for the 

Check out this cuties.
Some of you might be thinking
it is a pic of my late
Dakota, but 

This is Dakota.

The one above is my friend
Melissa's dog. But when 
scrolling through FB, I 
see him and all of a sudden
at a split second, I think of 
my boy. 

I fall between the 2 and 3

Months before I moved I 
sent a friend of mine a 
pair of overalls, and thoughts
of what I wanted.
She got two items out
of those overalls.
An apron~

And a work apron for those
screws and nails when I am
working outside with my tools.

Aren't they cute.
I swung by to pick these
up after Wayne's funeral.

Sometimes, when just sitting
around, and I do a lot of that,
with camera in my hands for
when the girls decide to be cute, 
I snap some selfies.

I took this after my trip to 

I dreaded this day, day of gray 
hair and wrinkles. For so many 
years the wrinkles around my eyes
were not there. Then all of a sudden
I woke and not had them, but the 
drooping jaws and wrinkled neck.
When I took the above pic, I 
made sure that my eyes were 
wide open cause before that,
I took the one below.

Back in 2020 I had the eye lid
surgery cause the lids drooped
and became an issue with it
covering too much of the eye
when driving, I had to have 
it fixed. The left, which since
the lens of the cell was flipped
appears to be the right eye...
but anyway, this eye was an 
issue even when I had surgery.
The muscles in it are shot
so, it tends to drop even after
surgery. If it had not been 
fixed then, it would prob
cover a lot more of the eye now.

not for sissies. 
Guess I am not a sissy. 

How is your Saturday working
out? Mine, I would love to sit
and do nothing but I really
need to get out of that, 
PUSH myself. 
So today, even though I 
have stuff to do at home, 
I am headed back to town again
today. A little further out then 
where I lived, about another 25 mins 
or more, 
My oldest brother has sold his
home on the 40 some odd
acres to the parks of TN.
At the beginning of the road
where you go to his house, 
there is the parks walking
track into woods. Also, trails
go behind his house to the 
lake by the parks. With that,
Ray and Lori have to pack,
6000 sq foot home and I agreed
to come and help. They actually, 
put an offer on a home and 
signed the papers the other day.
They will be moving out another
20 or so mins. Anyway, I 
am finishing this post, going to
get ready, pack for the night
and head out.

Have a great weekend,


Christine said…
You look great!
Ann said…
That stone heart is really pretty. I do remember you painting the stepping stones.
Old age does suck. I don't hide the gray but I do hate the wrinkles everywhere.
That is pretty darn cold for down your way, you better put on an extra blanket!
Jeanie said…
I resisted the gray for WAY longer than I should have and now I just love it. Your hair is so pretty -- you really rock it. I also learned that a lot of my wrinkles smooth out when I smile so I smile a lot! (Yeah, it gives you different ones but not so prominent as those around the mouth!) We're going into the single-digit/sub zero chill zone. It will pass but that's when you always hope the furnace holds out!)
Marie Smith said…
Love that heart of stone…I something one ever expects to say! Have a great Sunday, Pam.
Liz A. said…
I hope the move went well. That's a busy Saturday.
Darla M Sands said…
I agree with Christine. :D And that stone wall is awesome! Best wishes, my dear.

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