Get Together

Morning.... I am writing this 
post on the Merriest Day before
Christmas Eve! 

Anyway, continuing with 
our mini class/classes reunion.
We have a classmate, Darren that lives
with his wife in NM.
They were flying in to spend
Christmas with his mom.
He wanted to see as many folks
as he could. With the help of 
other classmates, this was pulled 

Middle guy is Darren and that
is Jill his wife beside him.
The taller guy is Mark. 

Darren and Jill bought a house
 in NM that they have pretty 
much striped down and redone.
Mark lives about 2.5 hours outside
of Nashville. He lived in TX., for years
but had land in TN. that he built on
a few years ago and moved
back home.

Mark also has family that 
that date back into TN history.
His great grandfather was being 
honored with a wreath laying a 
few years ago and Mark contacted
me to see if I would shoot it for him.
I did of course. 
You can read about this here~

If you are not aware of this, let
me please share, I am usually
the one with the camera, I like
it best that way cause it puts me
behind the camera and not out
in the front, having my pic made.
I hate having my pic made.
With that said, not sure who 
said what to make me laugh
so hard in this pic, but yuck!
Here is me with one of the 
other Pam's and Mark.
I have to share also, Pam is 
a great photographer and lives
just outside of Atlanta. We tend
to get in conversations on FB,
on someone else's page to be
silly, cause its usually a fun time.
Mark, the classmate with 
filter, is usually the 
FB page we use.

We treat FB as a place to go,
to stay in contact, to pick on
someone, and just have 

Yep, Tina caught me just
looking around with a silly
smile on my face.

This is Tina in the below pic, 
she is with the Hentz brothers.
Billy, the tallest graduated with the
class of 78. His brother Chris, 
a couple years under us. 

These three grew up in the same rather 
small neighborhood. Tina, is amazing
in the fact that she is like ten years
into drug free. She lead a hard life.
Lost the love of her life in a 
car accident, spent the better part
of her life high. But these days, she lives
life to the fullest. She came in from Va.
Billy, loves his motorcycle but about four 
years ago, had a major accident and 
we almost lost him. Chris owns
property his dad bought and we
used to date. My horse Misfire is
still on his property. I was going to 
locate a place she could go, a place
that worked with PDST vets or
something like that but Chris's wife
wanted me to keep her there. With my
fibro, I needed to get out from under
mucking stalls and feeding twice a 
day so I gave Misfire to Chris' wife.

Side note, I photographed both these
guys weddings recently.
I also, have photographed motorcycle ride
events for Billy.

As a photographer, you would think
I would have taken a bunch
of pics this night....nope.
I had the camera ready, battery
charged and walked out and 
forgot it. DUH!!!
I prefer it over the cell so 
I just enjoyed my time with
these people. 
The pics I am using a have
barrowed from others.
The guy on the end in the 
placid shirt, is James Finley
and we basically call him 
About ten years ago, and keep  
in mind, my years could be off, 
we almost lost Finley to a stroke.
He is doing great now though.

Here we have another Mark, 
the guy in the middle
is Jerry and Regina on the end.
Mark and Regina, I met
in Jr. High, now known as 
Middle school. But Jerry, I have 
prob known the longest of the 
folks there. He grew up on 
the street over from me.
He was part of the guy get together
in the summer that played baseball
or football in someone's yard.
Yep, I played with that group.

Darren, David and Mark.
David is a retired firefighter.
This life took a toll on his body.

I took him to several ablations
for his back during COVID time.
Wife has some lung issues and 
did not feel safe going out 
but it was not a big deal, I sat in 
the car till all was done. 

I share all this to share the
fact that there are many, 
many connections between so
many of us classmates after all
these years. Like with Jerry, it
goes back into Elementary School.
Depending on the side of the 
tracks (yes, the railroad tracks),
or down the road determined where
you went to elementary school, 
but we all came together and met
in 7th grade. 

When I say we came together,
we still do. A couple years
back we had a classmate in need.
Hubs lost job, both her and hubs needed
back surgery, they lost a son, and a storm
did damage to the house. The word 
went out, money was collected,
and given to our classmate. 
In post on FB it was mentioned
that we had a classmate in need,
again, we came together and collected
money and gave to that classmate 
last night. She is recently divorced
and raising two grandkids. So, to help
out, we came together again!
I love my classmates they
are amazing.

Tina said it best on 
FB after the event ~

Grateful for the history
we hold within
our hearts, the stories
of a life we've
shared and the ability
to continue the journey
I could not have asked for
a better Christmas..

Thank you for taking the time
to read this,


Diane said…
What a wonderful post. Hope you had an amazing Christmas and all the very best for 2025. Diane xx
Christine said…
Lovely photos
Liz A. said…
I guess a part of you wanted to just visit and not spend the time taking pictures, so you subconsciously forgot the camera. I'm sure it was good to see all your old friends.
Miss Merry said…
You are truly blessed with this group of classmates and friends!!! Merry Christmas.
I'm glad y'all pulled off that get together, what a fun time for everyone!
Darla M Sands said…
Be gentle on yourself, beautiful. :D I understand, though, hating photos of myself. What a heartwarming post. Thank you for sharing and be well.
Ann said…
How wonderful to get together with everyone.
That was quite the get together,great job pulling it together!

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