Old Santa, Parade, Skillet, Emmy, and The Accident

 Good Morning
fellow bloggers!

While surfing FB I keep running
across pics of items that I 
remember as a kid that are
not longer around. 

Yes, I remember Santa.
Pretty sure I did not have one
of these but I remember
people wearing these since
they were a pin.

 If I remember correctly, you
pulled the bell, nose lite up and the 
arms and legs danced outward.

Check this out...
I have never seen a city 
that had a Halloween Parade,
I love Halloween, 
I am putting this on my calendar!

While being on FB the last
month or so I have noticed
skillets with impressions
on the back. Must be a new
fad. This one really got
my attention cause I love
Dolly. My question is, when 
a woman slaps this up against
her hubs head, will the impression
it leaves on his face be a 
reminder to not cheap with 
Jolene again?

sorry, could not resist. 
Now to explain for those
that have never heard this,
it was a saying I heard growing
up. It basically referred to men
that did not GET things and the 
wife hitting them over the 
head with a skillet to get their

The upper part of this 
blog was started a few days
Now, I have things to 
blog about so I can finish 
this post!
Sometimes I like blogging ahead
but other times I like
doing it as I live..
not sure which I really like

Few nights ago I had dinner at
Ambers, she made a new
meal. It was really good.
I enjoyed it, the boys and 
spending time with just 
Amber, the boys and of 
course Emmy Lou.

Now, this really should not
surprise you but 
I had an accident yesterday.
Sorry, pics not the best.
I was working outside, just 
puttering around, I got in the 
shed and went through the boxes
that I brought up from storage
a week ago. I found stuff I forgot
I had! haha.....
Anyway, I took the metal detector out to 
see if I could find anything in the yard,
that once was woods. I did not and I walked
over to put it in the shed, near the door
so if I wanted it again after I bring 
more from storage, I could get to it.
Then I realized I needed something
from inside the shed.
I slipped, shin hit the edge of the shed

The pic above does not show
how big this is, about the size
of my fist. 
And it hurt like a, well, what
I was going to say was not 
so nice, it just hurt.

I decided to go in the house
and stay on the couch!
Course, I took ice with me.

I ended up going to the walk in 
clinic. Why? Cause last yr when I 
dropped a drawer on my toe, I did not 
go and have it checked. It ended up 
getting infected.  I thought I would stop
that from happening first. I am a diabetic,
under control without meds, but I still
need to be careful. AND you all know,
careful is hard for me.
Anyway, doc said, go home, stay off
it, and ice it.

This morning, just a tad swelling.
Little pain.

Now, let me explain. 
My mom always said I was 
an accident waiting to happen!
I guess I have always been.
But these days, due to my 
Fibro, my muscles are weak.

I do not have steps or a ramp 
to the shed, I plan on having a 
small deck put on it so that I 
can just wheel my saws out and 
work off the deck without sawdust
getting in the shed.
I stood in front of the shed, 
if I could just step up that
space and raise myself in...
I decided to go for it
and now you see the results!
I need steps that I can just remove
once the deck is being built.
This would be the cheapest
way till the build.
I am flipping the blocks 
the other way so I am not
putting rocks in mine.
This will be a fast fix.



Ann said…
OMG, I remember those Santa pins and I did have one.
Ouch on the shin. That looks like it really hurt.
Darla M Sands said…
Oh, please don't haul those cinder blocks around by yourself. And if you fall on them I worry about further injury. ~hugs~ I understand your pride, but my husband got a walker after surgery that now has many other uses. It not only serves as my portable laptop desk but the cats enjoy getting wheeled around the house once a day. It was my husband's silly idea and the "train rides" made Dandelion braver exploring the house. Now I make choo choo noises whenever one of our kitties gets on board. :D Be well, my dear.

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