Teachers, Teachers and More

 I was over at 
Liz's blog this morning (Sat) 
when the thoughts of blogging about
schools and teachers.

I was lucky to be able to 
attend schools in the area I 
lived in.  
First grade was in
Donelson TN.
From there we moved to the
childhood home I bought in 2020,
in Hermitage.
I attended 2nd thru 6th grade in 
this school.

That was when elementary schools covered
1st to 6th.

By the time my kids went
to school here, I owned a home
in the same subdivision. 

I had a teach there, 5th grade I think,
Mrs. Legion.
My daughter had Mrs. Legion when she
went to school here and if I remember
correctly, Cory had Mrs. Legion also.

As my kids grew and moved
on in schools. They ended up having more
and more of my old teachers.
When Amber was in 7th and 8th, and 
she was bused
to downtown. I took off work at
lunch one day (I worked in town) and 
went to have lunch with Amber.
Standing in line I saw a man, I asked
Amber who he was. and she said, 
the principal. I laughed and said, yep, 
he was my homeroom teach at 
DuPont Jr., (now DuPont Hadley)
Mr. Hemphill.

Next, Amber went to DuPont Senior
 (which is now DuPont Tyler Middle).
She had a teach there that 
I had at another school.

Cory did not have as many
teachers that I had but he did
have one that was a student
a couple years under me in
school and 
when he went to Andrew
Jackson Ele. his PE teacher
and I graduated together!

I always warned me kids to
be on their best behavior cause
they never knew who was around
that I knew!!

Hermitage is not a small area,
but it used to be very close knit.
People tend to stay around.
I lived in that area from 
5 yrs to 64.

Wow, this pic really turned.
The drape I was wearing 
was actually blue and
that is not my skin color.
That was my version of 
the Farrah Fawcett hair cut
back in the late 70s!

Speaking of schools, do you still 
have your annuals or now they
are called year books?
I have 9th to 12th.
I did not get 7th and 8th.

My senior annual.
Painted and designed by
someone I graduated with.

See the drape was blue!

Oh my, don't you just 
love looking back?
Or better yet, reading what
was wrote in that 



Sandee said…
I loved your hair. You're beautiful now and beautiful then.

Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Liz A. said…
I knew a teacher who, before she retired, talked about how many of her students were the children of students she had when she started. There may have been some grandchildren, too. If you stay in one area long enough...
Ann said…
I went to all different schools than my kids did but I worked with a woman who had a day job at the school. I would always tell them you can't skip because I will know. Sure enough, every time one of them wasn't in school I would get a call asking me if I knew they weren't there.
I have to admit that it is very amazing that your kids had some of the same teachers as you and that the principle was a teacher there when you attended.
That was a fun story about the teachers and a cool look back at your yearbook. It is fun to look back at the yearbook photos!
Marie Smith said…
Love those old photos!

Ours daughter went to schools where her father and I taught. She would have preferred not to have had that experience!
So interesting that you and your kids had some of the same teachers! I no longer have any of my yearbooks, I have no idea where they went.

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