Out for Air

You all must know me well enough
to know that when I went
out for air the other day I 
took my camera.

This is the railroad tracks across
the Duck River.

Also, stumbled across this
cool looking 

Love old barns and structures
that are falling down.

Love some old rust also.

This looks like an old

Pretty sure this is also an 
old farmhouse. 

My sis in law is a quilter
so, every time I 
see one when I am out and about 
I take a pic to send 
to her.

It felt nice to get out
a little bit but it wore me

Do you even just go out
and ride around.



Pradeep Nair said…
Some very old structures.
Marie Smith said…
I love those excursions with no place in particular in mind. The old buildings always catch my eye too.
Sandee said…
I wish I had been with you. Beautiful scenery.

Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Ann said…
Love that first picture and that church is really nice looking.
Cool finds. Love those farm houses, very nice!
Darla M Sands said…
My husband never stops being amazed by all the obscure local routes I know, though he occasionally has to help find the way home if with me. lol I must reply again that we would have so much fun together. :D There may be some chicanery. ;D Our fun would make any punishment worthwhile. Take care!
Liz A. said…
I don't. If I go out, it's with a purpose and a destination. But that's just the way my brain works. I think it would be fun to go out with a friend and just drive around.

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