Grandparents, Cousins and the Lot

 Here I go again...
stealing from someone's blog
for me to blog about!

In Debby's Friday 
she did a question / answer
thing and one of the questions she
asked was, "Growing up, did you 
spend a lot of time with your grandparents?
I wanted to address that question.
Not as much as I wished I 
had. My grands on my mom's 
side lived in Georgia and we lived 
in TN. 
When I was young that trip
was made once a year as 
a family.
As a teen, Daddy stayed home, 
Ray was in college and Mark
and I would make that trip
with mom. 

As a child when we went to 
visit, mom usually visited with
granny more than us kids,
we had cousins!

My granddaddy worked for a 
drive in. Running the reel at
night and cleaning the parking
spaces the next day.
Saw Gone with the Wind
from the top of the building that
granddaddy was in shining the
movie on the screen.
Helped cleaning that parking
lot too.

I loved my granddaddy so much.
He would come in after work,
granny would warm up his 
dinner and he would sit 
in the kitchen eating, 
I would go in and 
visit. He would sing 
"Hey, good looking, 
what you got cooking",
to me.
He would also address me as 
String Bean 
I was tall for my age and skinny.
Lost him when I was in the 9th
grade to lung cancer.

My granny.

My granny would ask me,
if we were coming down in 
Feb to visit, what kind of
cake I wanted for my bday.
I always wanted her 
choc cream pie.
Oh my gosh...
so good.
She would also fix
me a banana sandwich.
She made the best ones.
How can they be better than
any banana sandwich,
the mayo.......
Bananas cut long ways,
lots of bananas and 
covered in mayo.

When we visited, all the 
aunts, uncles and cousins 
would come for Sunday dinner.

I was young and had a Kodak camera
but I was not good at 
catching those good shots that
I can get now.

Left to right ~
my mom in front
behind her is Uncle Don, oldest
next to mom, my granny,
next to granny, Aunt Donna,
next to Donna is my 
aunt Martha and the head
between them belongs to my
Uncle Paul, the youngest,
and next to them
Aunt Carolyn.
The only aunt missing 
is my aunt Alice.

This is a pic of granny
and Alice.

All lived near my grands 
except us and my uncle Don.
But he only lived about an hour

I was a lot older when I lost
my granny than my granddaddy,
I was married with a child.
There are only three left now,
Aunt Donna, Aunt Martha
and Uncle Paul which are the three

(look, my pics got better)

I have 17 cousins on this 
side of the family.
I have one three on dads side
but the connection is not there
with those. One I don't even know.

Taking into consideration that
there were four older kids,
and three younger, with years
between mom's siblings.
With that said, my uncle
Paul is only a yr older than
me. But unlike me, he waited
years to start a family.
His youngest daughter, my cousin
is, 42 yrs younger than me.
The oldest cousin would be Cliff,
Uncle Don's son, only I am 
not sure of his age.

I really need to make a trip to
the other side of Atlanta and visit
soon. I have not seen but a few
since Jan. 2019 for moms

Hopes that this spring 
brings me feeling better.
I want to jump in the car
and make some weekend trips.

Are you looking at making
plans yet for next yr?
Am I pushing it?


That was very interesting. When I was growing up we were so poor that we actually lived with my Grandparents for a good while.
My Mind's Eye said…
Loved reading about your family. My uncle worked at a drive in theater too. Running the reel. He was injured in WWII just had one working arm but it did the work of 2
Hugs and thanks for visiting
BeachGypsy said…
I just posted about my Ma-Maw too, so was happy to see you had did the same! I see the white Tupperware salt and pepper shakers on the table....we all had those back then! I inherited my Mom's , and they have a place of honor in our kitchen, I love them! And guess what? Grandma ALWAYS MADE ME a chocolate pie when I came to visit, they were so so delicious...and I never learned to make them. Hers were the kind with homemade meringue on top, gently browned in the oven broiler. Mercy, I'd love one of those pies nowadays. LOL
Liz A. said…
Sure, why not make plans? Plan to feel better so you'll be up to it. Something to look forward to :)
Ann said…
Both sets of my grandparents lived about a half hour away and each was visited frequently. My mother had a sister and 2 brothers (all gone now) and one of her brothers had 6 kids. My dad had 2 sisters and 4 brothers also all gone now. Lots of cousins on that side. I think there were 19 but not positive. Some were a lot older than me so I barely ever knew them.
Pilar said…
I loved reading about your family Pam! I was close to my granddaddy too.

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