Family Time and Pics, and Marshall

 Friday, the 20th my youngest
grandson turned 14. 
So, on Sat., Amber
had a family get together for his
bday. Every time we have 
called the masses together for 
family pics, someone could not 
make it. But today, we had
them all together.

Left to right, Braden, Amber, beside 
Amber is Will and behind them is 
DJ,  next to DJ is Caleb, 
in front of him is Namatha, Jesse, 
Chandler and behind those two 
is Brayden.
My 7 grandsons.

In the next pic we added the 
girlfriends and their kids.
In Ambers arms is Felicity,
in front of Amber is Alister (Boog),
and of course, Evie is standing
right out in front.
Beckham is in this pic also,
but he has not arrived to make
his appearance yet.
The girl on the end is 
Calebs girlfriend and mom to 
Boog and Felicity.
The girl behind Chandler (red shirt)
is Hannah, mom to 
Evie and future mom to



Me and Evie being

 It was great to have time
with the whole bunch but after
my adventure to Nashville yesterday,
I was worn out.
And with a trailer full of 
folks, it was wild. I stayed 
a bit and then took the family
pics, then I headed home. 

I bought these socks for 
my DIL and had them
laying on the guest bed,
Friday morn, I woke to them
in my bedroom floor.

Not sure if this was Misty or
I am thinking Misty.

When I went to visit my brother
on Friday, I got 
totally eaten up by 
Oh yes, and when I said EATEN,
I came close.
My whole upper arm fit
right in his mouth.
Then let's talk about the kisses,
the licks and jumping up and placing
his paws on my shoulders...
he is a wild one!!
Not even a year old yet.
My brother got Marshall 
for my SIL for Christmas
last yr.
Isn't he handsome? 
But boy am I glad I have
cats now!
This boy wore me out, but
I think he wore himself out
also, notice the tongue 
sticking out in each pic.



Isn't he handsome?




Mari said…
It's so nice to have everyone together! It sure is hard to make it happen though. Glad you got some pics.
Jeanie said…
What a wonderful day! How glorious to be so surrounded by family. And yes, Marshall IS handsome!
Marie Smith said…
What a beautiful family, Pam. You are well and truly blessed! The golden is precious!
WOW, 14 already??? Happy Birthday. Evie is a cutie and Marshall is such a handsome pup!
Ann said…
Nice family pictures. You had quite a crowd. Marshall looks like a sweetheart.
Darla M Sands said…
Thanks for the smiles. ~hugs~ I like visiting with neighborhood dogs and coming home to my rather sedate kitties. I say 'rather' because they all get zoomies sometimes, to the point of life threatening trip and/or collision hazards. lol Be well!

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