Evie, The Slam, and Ants
Evie on her way to school
Thursday. She is rocking those
Who can't love that smile!
Now don't get me wrong, although
she can be a sweetie, she can
be the biggest brat!
She is going through a ugly
spell in the things she says
and how she treats others.
New babe on the way,
this girl better get her crap
My deck is screened in and
yes, it has the type of door that
slams so nicely. I had an issue with
it catching on the floor of the deck
back a few months ago. It was dragging
so with that you did not hear that slam.
You had to pull the door closed.
I checked out the door and
realized, more than once, that
things are not made the way they
used to be, right there in the center
the pegs that fit in the holes was
pulling out. I could have taken
the door down and apart and fixed
the problem with some construction
glue, but why would I do that when
I thought up another fix that is working
great. Wouldn't you know, can't locate
a pic, but anyway, it was a matter
of lifting up the sagging part and
applying L brackets to hold that together.
I tell you all that cause you
know me....I tell all!
I after my fix, I know have
again. When I walk out, I don't
reach back to slowly close the
door, I let it slam.
It reminds me of my granny's house.
Is there sounds that take you back?
You all know, if you have been
following my blog that shit happens!
And with me, it seems to be a daily
thing, an odd thing but I fight
the issue and go on.
Last Sunday we got rain!
YAY....we needed it.
But with the rain, came
these pain in my rear critters!
I have been seeing one of two
here and there for the last
few weeks. I figured the heat
was bringing them in. But with that
rain, they came full force, into
the kitchen, in a corner.
Out came the Terro ant baits.
Here it is Thursday and I am
still battling those little
Still trying all I could to
get rid of them, I start finding them
under the couch. Only it's not the
little red ones, it's the little black piss
ants. I read vinegar and water to
throw them off the trail. Seemed to
work around the couch.
Crap, then it's my bathroom and
right in the doorway of my bedroom.
the front door.
I realized, that maybe when I opened
the baits in the kitchen, I might not
have it all the way open. Several days
wasted with that thought.
They are open now!
I have two near the corner issue,
one under the other end of the cabinets.
I have one in my bathroom and one
under my jewelry stand cabinet.
One under the couch, and I looked this
morning, I got that one open
for sure, it is drawing piss ants
right to it. And I have one at the
front door.
I read that essential oils are
great for warding off ants.
Only the ones that do that, are
bad for cats. The ones that cats
can be around are not the killing
ant kind!
I saw a video of mixing up
cornstarch, sugar and baking soda.
Don't cornstarch but I am trying that
with cornmeal.
I will let you know how that works.
Also read that orange peels,
you steam them in water, not
boil, and let sat over night
then you grab the mix, and spray
it in the area you need it.
I have oranges, not tried
this yet but, I will if the other
tries don't work.
Just trying to see what will work,
but if I keep this up, I will have
so much out, I will not know
what does the trick!
Got up to a hairball this morning
in the living room floor so
there was a flood coming in at the
front door for that!
I am afraid that this is going
to take a pest company but with
the doc bills, surgery bills and all
the money I have spent on
diapers (absorbent panties) since
May....having to call a company
would be a hit to my little budget!
With all that said, I also purchase
some Terro dirt, it is like the
Diatomaceous Earth
to sprinkle around the outside
of the house. I have never used
this but they did not have
D Earth. The bag was 20 bucks,
but when I got to the register it
rang up 7 something, I got two.
Let's just say, I have never
seen so many
of the pissers.
Do you battle insects at your place?
Evie is such a cutie.