Convict Collars and Purple Trees,

 A few years back I introduce
you to the Convict Collars for
cats.  If you were not following, or
you don't remember, or
you just need a refresher.
A Convict Collar is 
a collar you purchase, 
have the owners name
and phone number on 
the inside of the collar.
The collars are orange which
is supposed to let some 
know, if they see your cat
out, it's okay to approach it,
cause the orange says, I 
am a house cat and I got out.
COOL idea, 
but what good does it 
do you if no one has 
ever heard of it?

I go over this to let you know
I noticed something and just
by accident I read something on it.
It was a few days after I 
saw purple paint painted
on trees, that I read, this means,
"no trespassing". 
Interesting and never seen
the purple on a tree before, 
until I looked out my window
one day and noticed two 
trees painted purple.
Now, I am here to tell you,
sometimes I miss things
but not often, but there is
no way I have looked out
at those trees for nine months
and never saw these painted.

There are several more along
the stretch in front of my
house. So, I stand there one
day trying to figure out
when they got painted and 
the most important question,
A few days later I happened
on something about it,
that is when I learned what
it meant.

But there again, how is anyone
to know these things?


Jeanie said…
I've seen collars like that but not orange, but with the name and all on it. I had no idea about the purple!
Ann said…
I wouldn't have known about the collars or the purple paint.

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