At This Point I am Convinced

Good morning fellow

I was scanning blogs 
this morning to leave my 
comments and Sandee over at 

Had cow memes on her page,
I have seen these adorble
things all over FB and 
love them.
This one below spoke to
me this morning and I left
a long reply, prob longer then
I ever have on her blog!

My reply went like this,

 YES.....# 3 for me.
 I can order groceries online 
and pick them up or
 Amber will pick them up 
for me.....BUT, I like
 picking out my meat, 
veggies and fruits, plus,
 its a way to make myself
 get out. After being out,
 I wish to be back in. People 
in the way with their 
buggies, checking their 
phone, meeting and having
 conversations with neighbors 
in the way, scanning
 the shelves (which I do) for 
the right thing, but in 
doing that standing up in 
front of said shelves and
 taking your time (I do not 
do this, I stand in the 
center and scan), then those 
ones that have no care 
when they just push the 
buggy right in the way, my 
normal in check anger 
starts working out.....2020, 
and the economy has 
bred some stupid, inconsiderate
 people, that are so full of 
anger for all diff reasons
 and they do not think how 
rude they are. 
OOPS......getting off my 
soap box now. 

I know I am not the only
one out there that has
come in contact with 
folks like this...
at least one other, 
the owner of the said meme
above is one!

This seems to be one of peoples
biggies issues.
They have a thought in the 
store, need to look
up ingredients.
Or they take a call!

And four years down the road,
2020 is still affecting people.
Not in the way it did in 
2020 but in how it changed people.

I worked the outdoor wedding 
venue the whole year of 
keep distance of folks, 
but not wearing a mask.

You would have thought that 
2020 would have been an eye
opener for peoples 
attitudes. It caused 
attitudes for sure, but 
not in at good way. 

In 2020 people were afraid,
but they could not 
be any friendlier, caring and 
2021 people who stayed in, 
were getting out, trying to live
again. They could not have been
more polite, sweet,
and easy to get along with.
2022, the rude came out!
The sweet, polite and easy to
get along with changed.
Life, and being out in public
became all about them.

And here we are, 
2024 and still dealing with
the folks of 2022.

I cont. to do the grocery store
the whole time of 2020. I did
use a mask whenever I went out,
except the venue. But these
days, I really wished I could go
to the store without running into
rude folks.

Now, let's talk about me.
I was an easy going child and 
teen. I think marrying and having
kids changed me....
I grew up, and I worked and
I had stress.
With stress went the laid back
me and out came someone
with a temper.
that would be the temper that
put a hole in the wall with 
my fist, ripped the shower curtain 
and rod right off the wall,
and the door off the door frame.

However, the temper did not stop
me from being polite to family,
friends and others.
Not so much of temper now, 
as nerves.
Sometimes it is best that I 
don't leave the house!

I was at Wally World the other day,
and not feeling up to par so 
people were ticking me off.
I told myself shortly before
I left that if one more person 
stepped in front of me again I 
was ramping my buggy into 

Good thing I got out without
that happening. 
haha....talking about buggies, 
check this out.

A Barbie size Walmart 
shopping cart!

Back to me,
yep, I am making this blog
about me! 

is not something I carry these 
days. When I was in my 30s, 
I had an issue with my 
truck, pretty sure it was on 
the tail end of other issues,
and I blew.
Afterwards, I had a take
with myself, telling myself I 
would die early of a stroke
or heart attack if I did not 
get a handle on my temper.
with not feeling well and 
and having fibro which 
tends to make things worse.
So, these seem to  get in 
the way a lot of times when I 
am out and about among
stupid people.
That makes the anger come 

All of which I try to keep 
caged up. I tend to try to smile
to get through crap.

Do you suffer from nerves,
anger or temper?
Do you do a good job in 
controlling these?



I like that bullish cartoon from Sandee too. Dang, there sure are lots of stupid people around these days to help us with our anger managment skills!
Sandee said…
I could have written this post. We're on the same page. I bite my tongue often, but I refuse to be a Karen. I simply refuse. Thank you for preaching it, Pam.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Big hug to you and scritches to the kitties. ♥
Ann said…
I had a bad temper for a while. I was big on throwing things and I also punched a hole in a door. I have mellowed a lot over the years but I still have little patience for stupidity and rudeness.
Marie Smith said…
The stores are a constant source of irritation for sure. I hear you, Pam.
Liz A. said…
Yeah, I don't do people well. This is why I blog.

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