Hospital, Lily and Flowers, Misty, More Flowers, and Family

 Here I was waiting...
waiting on the surgeon and the dude 
to put me to sleep!
That sounds wild, putting 
me to sleep. Glad that was
not the case.

So according to what I 
have read in the doc report, and
what she told Amber, my left 
kidney is all jacked up.
Not really sure as to 
what that meant, but when
Amber asked the doc if this
could have been done due to
surgery last yr. or was I born
with it not RIGHT.

But, she had to do some 
digging to get to the stones.
The question, would the stone
with the infection spread once
it was busted. Two days out and
apparently, the meds are taking
care of that. I go back in 
two weeks to have the stint
removed. That was placed in
my tube cause it 
is rather narrow and she 
wanted the pieces of stone
to have room to pass.
Thinking that is prob the 
reason why my stones
have not been able 
to move down so I can
pass them in the past.
Doc is thinking that these last
stones were left from last yrs
surgery and that the infusions
are helping them to grow big.

Anyway, I am resting and healing.

I did walk out into the 
yard yesterday to pick some
flowers from my flowerbed.
These have done well in 
the drought TN is having
cause I have not even been
watering. These are 
short stem zinnia's. 
But like everything I 
bring in, I have to let
Lily Bit
smell it.

She even had to sniff the 
shoes I wore to the hospital.
What a NOSE!

Misty seems to think that
a look out the front
of the house is a great
change of view to life.
She will sit there forever
and just look.

I have seen her jump at a 
bug that comes to the storm
door on the outside, thinking
she can get it. Same with a 
lizard or two that runs by.

After about 30 mins of 
watching the uneventful
outside, she curled up
in her cubby for a nap.

Day after surgery I did 
venture out to the yard, 
you saw the flowers 
Lily had to smell.
But I not only cut me
some flowers, I cut
some for Amber and
some for the mail lady.

I had a jar that I put 
Ambers flowers in but
I Modge Podged scrape
book paper around it.

Did not get a pic of the
one I did for the mail
lady, but I decorative her
a can like the jar for Amber.

These are mine, in 
my kitty cat vase.

I took the mail ladies
flowers to the mailbox,
sat them in, with a thank
you note and put the flag
up so she would stop.

I only have two aunts and 
one blood uncle living on 
mom's side of the family
None on dads. 
I also have an amazing 
uncle that was married
to my mom's sis. 
But with that said, I 
try to stay in touch
with my two aunts. Usually
on FB chat but I check in 
on them often and they 
check in on me.
They are both close and
they like to play around
by saying that each one
is my fav aunt.

My aunt Martha (oldest of 
the two) always sends out
cards. I got this the day
after surgery.

Notice how it is signed!!
This is Martha.

Not sure of her age but I 
think she is a couple
years older than Donna. 
Donna is only like seven
years older than me, making 
her 72 and maybe Martha 74 or so.
I think it is important to stay in 
touch and hopefully this coming
year, I will be well, where I have
not been for 1.5 yrs, and I want
to drive to Ga and visit them. 
This is my aunt Donna, dark
longer hair. And my uncle Paul. 
My non-blood uncle is uncle

Being that Martha and Donna 
were younger than mom and her
other two sisters, their kids
are younger than me.
But, since my cousin Kathy and 
I were really close growing up 
so I spent a lot of time
at uncle Jerry's house. 

Jerry is about 84 now.
He has a great, great grandson.
This is an extension to my family.
My Georgia family.
Once a yr, summer, uncle Jerry
and the family head to Fla. 
Watch out Fla!!

My younger brother, sis in law, and niece
usually go at this time also
but they hardly ever do the family pic.

Wild bunch on the beach. I have been
invited many times but being out
and about with that bunch and 
trying to decide what to do....
would prob drive me 

Have a great day,



Mari said…
Glad you are home and recuperating! I can see the kitties are happy too! When we had a cat, he loved to sit and look out the storm door too.
Your flowers are pretty and putting that paper on the jar was a great idea.
Christine said…
Glad you are resting and healing!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Ann said…
Glad things went well. Get plenty of rest and get well soon.
Liz A. said…
Okay, so what was the answer? Was your kidney a mess from the previous surgery, or were you born that way?

As long as Misty continues to look... I had a cat that one day tried to climb the screen...
Marie Smith said…
Hope that stint does the trick this time, Pam. Take care.

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