Exercising, Halloween Decor, Glove, Watercolor Cards

Today, August, 18, 2024\
Darla had an interesting 
post on 
her blog~~~~

 Darla M. Sands - Dreaming of Elysia: Human Quirks (darlamsands.blogspot.com)

Like I explained to her in 
my comments,
I am different as we all are
then we were when we were younger.
I used to love crowds.
I loved being out among the different
people, seeing how they dressed, 
how they acted and just studying 
people. HOWEVER, 
as I have aged, as the world
has changed and as I have lived
18 yrs with Fibro, I have
changed where people are 

Crowds are not my thing 
anymore. Problem being, 
it's not so much crowds,
but more than a handful of
people that can set me off. 
My first response to them is
angry then I get nervous. 

With that said, it is not all 
about the people as it is 
the confusion I feel.
I had something happen a 
couple weeks ago that had
me in a panic and I had to come 
home to my safe station.

I had a doc apt in downtown 
and I did not make that apt.
I got it in my head that the apt
was at Vanderbilt, my trip 
was taking
place an hour or so from rush, so 
I thought I would be okay.
However, the traffic had me in 
a spell before I went to the wrong
place. The apt was not 
at Vanderbilt, it was at St. Thomas,
to a docs office I have never been.
So I was already in a panic, I was
late, I called to let them know I 
was on my way, but the buildings 
downtown did not have numbers on 
them, I was CONFUSED to say 
the least. After driving around, 
fighting the mess of traffic
and already being in a panic, 
I called and canceled the apt, and 
came home. 

Now keeping in mind, I have been
driving downtown Nashville since I 
was 16. Yes, it has changed, it has 
grown, but again, I have changed also.
Things in our life as we grow,
as we live, as we change can 
alter who we might have been.
I don't think I was meant to 
be like this but this is just a view to 
you what Fibro, age and never feeling
great can mess with you.

What has not changed however is 
my love of FALL and Halloween!!
I am so waiting for fall and planning 
for Halloween.

Of course, my new fun thing in 
my life is my Bone Babes.
Yesterday, I found them outside

Misty is trying to understand 
what I have on my mind 
with these strange items I have
been bringing in for 
my fav holiday.

My plans should be really fun
once I get it up next month.

Friday night I went to dinner
at Ambers. Her boys were at their
dads but two of my SILs boys were
there. It was more of a simple weekend
meal than Amber usually does when
the family is over and I was
good with that. We had burgers, 
chips and dips and ice cream.

When I came home, I got the 
feeling that I might have been 
missed cause Misty had moved
her glove around and she has
not done this in a while. 
Course part of that is, it got 
misplaced and we recently found

I have not been near, or anywhere near
creative lately. I have been doing some
watercolors for fun and sending them out
to friends as cards. I am really
bad of forgetting to take a pic before
sending it out.
I might share a few here that I have
shared before but here is what 
I have managed to shoot.

Make this a great day...









Ann said…
I never do well in crowds. I'm better with just one other person, two tops.
I love your card art! Hello sweet Misty, you're such a pretty girl. Hey, I'm right there with you, I don't like being around people these days!
Liz A. said…
I'm the opposite on crowds. When I was younger, they were way harder to deal with. I still don't like them, but I can navigate them better now.
Jeanie said…
I hear you about ailments and age and not feeling great and what it can do to you. Ugh. Love the cats and your cards are just terrific.
The Happy Whisk said…
Hi Pam! I love the artwork on the cards. I love holidays. We started Halloween decorations in July this year. Usually it's August lst. This year we went with July. So much fun.

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