Bad Boy Wasp, Sun through the Leaves, House, The All Knowing Eye and Sandbox

Went out try and photograph 
the Ruby Red and he just
don't play pretty. 
So, I don't have a good one yet.
But I did get this bad boy.

Love shooting through the 

After cutting the yard on Friday, 
my son in law came over
later and did my weed eating.
I walked to the mailbox and decided
to get a shot of the house.

Kind of hard to grow green 
grass in a drought.
I said that to Cory and he just
laughs reminding me that
he lives in Calif. and 
they have a 

I love my place.

Hey Liz, I saw this
eye on FB on a pair of jeans!
Guessing this is the yr of the EYE!

Remember me showing you 
a pic of the sandbox I had on 
my desk, decorated for 
Christmas? Somewhere 
among my thousand of pics are
more but this is what
I could locate now.

4th of July

My sandbox started as a simple
glass tray, with white fine sand in
it, rocks and a couple of rakes.
When I moved from printing to photo 
services I did not wrap the sandbox
well enough and it got broken.
I finally found this cute 
ceramic tray in a basket that 
I thought would work well.
I then used some real sand with 
the rocks and rakes. It was cute but
then I started decorating it for 
seasons, holidays and 

One time I got my nieces
 barbie plates and stuff and 
had a picnic on the beach for
Another I had a sailboat with a 
sign that said, "gone cruising" for
when I went on a cruise. 

It was fun with customers would
play in the sandbox. One made
rapture tracks in the sand and a 
sign that stated what it was.
My boss started bringing things
from trips to put in the box.
A remote control tank that
caused a lot of issues with
Phil (youngest photographer),
and the sand on my desk.
But one day playing around
Phil poured water in the sandbox...
it took over a week to dry out. 

We used to have a blast with the 
sandbox. I dumped it and tossed
it all when I left there.




That photo of the bee or wasp is amazing and the sandbox was a really fun idea!
Mari said…
I really like your house!
The sandbox is such a fun idea!
Love those pictures of your house! I can see why you bought it!
Christine said…
Great photos
Ann said…
It's little things like that that make a workplace more enjoyable.
Darla M Sands said…
Your home is lovely. I'm glad you're settling in so well. Hugs, my dear, and thanks for sharing your memories/photos.
Marie Smith said…
Your house is so pretty! I love that insect photo too. A great shot!
Liz A. said…
The sandbox sounds fun. But I suppose you don't have a use for it in your home. Great shot of your house.

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