Writing Notes, Old House/Old Churches, Hidden Lake, and the Sky

So I was asked the funniest
question on Wed. 
Tim made it in from the 
Phillipines on Tue. night
but stayed in town. Did some
errands Wed. morn and made
it to the house late Wed. afternoon.
I stepped out on the porch as
he was getting out of the car, 
and he said, 
"are you hiding from the IRS"?
I told him no but I was hiding
from the TBI.
Yep. I tried to prepare him for 
my rural living!

Thursday morning, I had a
doc apt with a urologist, time to get
to the bottom of my issues.

An utlrasound was done and then
I had to have a contrast CT scan.
Waiting for results. They also sent off
a culture. But I was told that
it was possible for the infection 
to be cleared up but still have symptoms
due to inflammation.
She put me on a med that is 
suppose to help with inflammation,
pain and bladder spasms.
Insurance will not cover, and
30 pills are 95 bucks. Yep, passed
on that, pharmacy was going to call
to get her to get in touch with insurance
and try to get it covered. My record
is with the insurance, all they have to
do is look at what has been going on.
Its a matter of wait and see,
so today with heat, pain,
bladder spasms, I am staying in.

But.....between my apt and 
scan I had some time to kill.
I drove around some and I saw
this. HAHA
I understand, I hate writing 
notes, then I can't read what I even

While riding around I saw this 
house. The shade trees are what
caught my attention but
then I saw the house. I love old houses...
haha, and churches along with 
old trucks.
I never thought I would 
like the old things.

Anyway, I was sitting at a light to 
take this but was I drove
past I saw a sign that said it
was built in 1845!

This church was less than a block 
away from the house.

This sign on it said it was built
in 1872.

I would love to go in there and look

Right down the street was another
cute white framed church but
there was no built sign on this 
one so I figured it was not
an old one.

Same with this one. 
Sorry, I was seeing cock eyed on 
this pic!

On Thursday I went to Nashville, 
a place I would rather avoid due
to all the traffic,
but my oldest brother is in 
the hospital. He suffers from afib
and fluid. They are working on 
draining the fluid and working
on the heart.
Ray is 2.5 yrs older than me.
I painted him a card, and of 
course I forgot to take a pic,
but the look on his face showed 
he liked it.
It was a fish, with the 
phrase written, 
" I heard you were feeling


On my  way home I took a diff
route. And I found a cool spot.

Literlly cool

Its called a hidden lake. 
I wished the boys could enjoy it 
but not sure its a good place to swim,
but great for tubing.

I had to share these pics.
I think Braden (youngest
grandson), has a great eye.
He took him moms phone out
the other evening to catch
this site.

This is not the first time he
has done that. 
It was 9:30 at night but 
the moon was so bright and 
shining through the clouds.
B is so cool, I would love
to see him get into 

Hoping you had a great week,











Ann said…
Hope you and your brother both are feeling better soon. That sucks when you need an RX and the insurance companies won't pay for them.
Marie Smith said…
I hope the insurance coverage gets sorted out! Take care!
Darla M Sands said…
Best wishes to you and yours, my dear. Thanks for sharing this awesome post.
Liz A. said…
The joys of insurance... I hope you get it all sorted out and feel better soon.
BeachGypsy said…
Hi Pam, how are you doing on the new medicine? Hopefully it's helping? And how is your brother doing? Love the pictures of old houses and churches, I photograph lots of those too. Hope your weekend was good, it was so darn HOT HERE. We had a nice long Spring, wish we still had those temperatures!

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