Fall, Corral, Baby Birds, Misty, Get Well Card and DREAM Painting
HAHA....I know that I am starting early,
but you know I love
But really, I should not be fussing,
we are in mid June and as of yet,
we have been saved by not
having crazy humidity.
Only that is subject for change, and Friday
I think is the day we are looking at for that change.
Yesterday I worked on the mailbox area.
Still nothing today, since I have not ventured
out to Lowes as of yet.
I am waiting on the contractor to call about
scheduling to install my strom door, cause when
that is set, I have to go purchase the door.
I would like to get the gravel at the same time,
along with some more outdoor wood...
So what do I need that wood for, you
ask? Well, let me tell you......
I worked on a trash can corral today, Tuesday.
The picture below only shows one end
finished up, but I did finish the other one later.
However I do need wood to put the bottom
in. I ran out of wood.
By putting the bottom in, my trash
cans will not be sitting on the ground.
I was sweating like crazy but thankful for the
low humditiy.
While working on the corral I kept hearing
the cries of some little baby birds when mom
drew near with their food.
I had some earlier in the spring,
but this is a new batch and they
moved in before I had a chance to
fix these places to keep the birds
out. Someone told me cut pool
noodles to slip over the metal
bars to prevent the birds from
nesting in them, I have the noodle,
but I was not fast enough in my job.
Remember me stating that I
was sweating like crazy?
Well, when I came in with sweat pourng
off me, I see Misty laying on
the cable box.
When I mentioned to her that I was hot,
she let me know that she was not, and then
wanted to know if I would find some birds
to watch on tv...lol
My aunt Martha, one of my moms younger
sisters contacted me and told me she had
to go to the doc, she has a UTI! Go figure!
But not only that, she has a sinus infection
also. One is bad enough, but then that is
a double wammy. So last night after
talking to her, I painted her a card and
placed it in the mail this morn.
Speaking of painting, I sat
Sat. night and did something
for Evie's wall.
I was going to do one that
just said
but that seemed so
So I added a lot of
Now, I have two outdoor
projects that need finishing and
I am just needing to get
to Lowes.
I need to get the deck cleaned up,
somethings moved to the shed,
which needs things moved
around in it before I add more
to it! Then, once I have that
arranged, I need to move
things from storage.
Oh, and I need to rehang the
deck screen door.
When the weather changed,
shortly after moving in, the
wood on the deck changed making
the door hard to open. I have been
wanting and meaning to hang it a
tad higher to prevent that but
it has been one thing after another,
so if I can move tomorrow,
I hope to get that redone!
And,,,,,,Tim is coming in this
Hoping you have had a great
Cute paintings. I hope your aunt is feeling better soon.