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B&W Gate, Sun Rays, Tomatos, Sedum, Candle Holder and Lily


On the way home the other 
day and though I have been
by this place often, the gate has
never been shut.
I had to add this to 
my gate file!
May be a black-and-white image of text
I love it!

I also caught this shot of 
the sun rays shining down 
around the trees. This is the
reason I always keep my camera
open on my phone!

May be an image of tree, road, fog and grass

My harvest so far, minus one that I 
allowed Amber to eat since cherry tomatoes 
are her fav. I gave her the first ripe one. 

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The problem, at this rate I will never
have enough for a salad.

Our spring has lasted longer 
than normal.
We are usually so hot come 
June but until
Saturday, the humidity has
 been so low. It 
has been really nice until then.
 Sitting at 
90 Sat. morn by 11am. I think 
the nice temps
and humidity my sedum is 
so confused.
This usually does not bloom 
till right before
our first cool spell close 
to the fall.

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Its blooming now. 

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Couple weeks ago, I messed 
with my brass candle
holder. I can't remember where 
I picked it up or 
when, I think Goodwill and  
it was years ago.
It almost went in the yardsale 
last yr. but at the last
min. I pulled it back out. It 
really don't go with my
decor and I had a prob finding 
the right spot for it, 
but after dressing it up, I 
am pleased with it and 
the dining table is where it 
looks great. However, 
once I played with it a couple 
weeks ago, I stil 
was not that pleased. I added 
bling and pearls.

May be an image of candle holder

After putting on FB a friend 
stated I should
add babies breath. So Saturday 
I removed the 
greenery and added ivy with 
smaller leaves, then
placeed some white little 
flowers in there and I 
am a lot more pleased with it.

May be an image of table, candle holder and ivy

May be an image of candle holder, napkin ring, baby's-breath and ivy
I am a lot more pleased now.
What do you think?

I never got the bed 
made Sat., Lily
was enjoying her time 
laying up in it but 
I think she was enjoying the 
head rubs before 
this pic was taken. 

May be an image of cat

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Thanks for stopping by
and leaving a comment,


Sandee said…
I love that gate and I love your kitties, too.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Darla M Sands said…
I like the candle holder even better now, as well. Give Lily Bit a head rub for me. :) There's a way to keep my smart phone from shutting down, so the next time I go out and about I'll take your suggestion. Hugs, my dear.
I love it when I'm able to capture the sun rays like that. Usually, it is quite by accident.
Ann said…
That is a pretty cool gate. One year a friend had a cherry tomato plant that gave her one tomato a day
Mari said…
That's a cool gate! I'm jealous of the tomatoes, I have a wait yet.
The flowers are looking good and I agree with the baby's breath. I like it!
BeachGypsy said…
Lily is so gorgeous! And your friend was right, I like the candleholder better that way too! Good job!
Oh hooray for yummy ripe tomatoes! That gate sure looks cool and the photos are wonderful. Lily, your furs are so pretty!
Liz A. said…
The candle holder turned out nice.

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