
Showing posts from June, 2024

Get Well Card, Fat and Not Fat, and Chilling

My sis in laws brother in law had cancer surgery and  was recovering so I made him a card and sent to him. He got a kick out of it.  A school friend posted a pic on fb of a group of us and when I looked at it, I said to myself, "who is that woman in  front?" haha...its me!! OUCH...I was FAT. So I went back and pulled out t a pic of me at my heavyiest...210. Then I pulled one from now, 137.   Big difference. Sunday I laid down to  watch some tv and  I had company, Lily Bit. Throwing those legs over mine and just chilling. My sweet Lily Bit. Been hot the last two days, today I  made the girls come in around one and stay in til around four. Even with fans out there I rather they not be out in the heat. Although,  Misty likes the heat. Have a great day, Pam  Active Cheryl Thomason 9h    · 

Fathers Day with Evie, Repair Screen Door, and Kitty Love

Saturday Amber hosted dinner at her house for the family,  for Fathers Day. Caleb and his family could not come because he had been out cutting tabbcco and was not feeling well. Will and two of his boys were  there, and Brayden was there with  Evie and Hannah. Evie was full of herself.        We had homemade BBQ, potato salad and  baked beans. I made a Boston Cream Pie Cake. Sorry, forgot to take a pic. Afterwards, Trivial Pursuit came out. Things are just not made as well as they used to be and after the snows over the winter, I started having issues with my screen door. As you opened, it would drag, pulling on the frame and causing  the rubber piece that holds the screen in to pop  out. I have been saying I would get to it  and finally did on Friday. I took a  good look at it and realized that where  it was glued together was coming apart.  I tried pushing it back together but that was  not working, I needed something more  permanent, something that would keep that area  together. So

B&W Gate, Sun Rays, Tomatos, Sedum, Candle Holder and Lily

  On the way home the other  day and though I have been by this place often, the gate has never been shut. I had to add this to  my gate file! I love it! I also caught this shot of  the sun rays shining down  around the trees. This is the reason I always keep my camera open on my phone! My harvest so far, minus one that I  allowed Amber to eat since cherry tomatoes  are her fav. I gave her the first ripe one.  The problem, at this rate I will never have enough for a salad. Our spring has lasted longer  than normal. We are usually so hot come  June but until Saturday, the humidity has  been so low. It  has been really nice until then.  Sitting at  90 Sat. morn by 11am. I think  the nice temps and humidity my sedum is  so confused. This usually does not bloom  till right before our first cool spell close  to the fall. Its blooming now.  Crazy. Couple weeks ago, I messed  with my brass candle holder. I can't remember where  I picked it up or  when, I think Goodwill and   it was years