Going Away Party Gifts and Cards, The Passing of a Friend

I really wish that folks
who came to say me
goodbye, did not bring gifrs
but a few did.

James made me a famous
license plate sign.

Everyone that came last
night signed the back of


Pam brought me this
adorable snowman.
And some fresh mistletoe.

Ms. Lillian brought
me some homemade soap.

Chris and Renee
had a bag full of

And Rebecca and Brian
got a few goodies for me
and the new house. 

There were such sweet cards
with the most beautiful
messages in them.
Emily made me 
this card. 

Love that it is handmade.
The kids even got to sign it.

Cute card from Rebecca
and Brian.

And this one from Lanita.

I LOVE my friends!
They are the best!!!

On that note, my heart goes out
to the family of a sweet and dear
friend, Kathy. 
Kathy had MS, but
two weeks ago she 
was in an accident. A
school bus hit her. She had
internal bleeding and that mixed
with the MS, she just
could not fight it.
She past Thursday morning;

This is a pic of me with
Kathy, her hubs Buford and 
grand child that was taken
in July when Theresa and I 
ran into when at dinner.

Kathy was the sweetest. 

Thanks for stopping in,



Sandee said…
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Big healing hugs.

You had a nice get together with your friends. Love all the gifts and I really like that license plate. Very clever.

Have a fabulous weekend. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Those were all very sweet gifts. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend Kathy, that's really such a sad turn of events.
Darla M Sands said…
You do have wonderful friends because 'like attracts like'. ~nods~ The story of Kathy's demise is so sad. Her radiant smile tells me she wanted to stick around. And I cannot imagine how that bus driver feels. Ugh... Hugs, my dear, and may this newest adventure bring great joy.
Marie Smith said…
So sorry to hear about your friend!

The license plate is such a great idea! Brilliant.
Ann said…
So sorry for the loss of your friend.
What a nice party that was and such thoughtful gifts.
Liz A. said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. It looks like you got some great goodies from your party.

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