Cedartown, Big Springs, Uncle and Great, Great Grandchild

  Cedartown Georgia.

My mom's hometown.

In 2020 census says there is a total
of 10,190 folks living there.
Cedartown is not far out 
of Rome Ga.
Originally known as
Cedar Valley.
Cherokee and Creek Native Americans
first inhabited this area.
 The Cherokee had established 
a village there in 1830 until they
were forced to join the 
Trail of Tears.

My fave memories are walking
down my great granny's street, 
and crossing over to the 
Big Springs.
Big Springs contains a large
limestone spring that produces
up to four million gallons of water
per day. 

My memories consist of the 
road going right to the spring and
picking up on the other side. Next 
very high with water that I have
seen cars pull in, stop
and be washed before picking
back up to the other side of the 
road. My cousins and I 
would hang out and play in the 
water for as long as our 
mom's would sit and let us.

This is me and my 
cousin Margaret sitting 
on a bench at the springs.
I think I was about 15 or 16 in this
pic. So....over 40 yrs ago.

I have more but just 
not feeling up to pulling that
stuff out at this point
to get though things.

I can tell lI am still 
not me for a couple of
I noticed I have no
pep in my step, where I used
to walk with a purpose, I 
am not even sure what a purpose 
is at this point,.
Plus, I catch myself looking
at the ground when
I walk. 
A glance here and there is 
not an issue, I barely 
take my eyes off the ground
Nothing of any good is
ever found there (well, 100
dollar bill would be amazing) 
but life is ahead of you,
you need to look ahead.

Next, melt downs come
way to easy these days.
My unlce Jerry, he was
married to one of my
moms sisters, is now the age
of my mom when we lost her, 
he just posted a pic
of him with his first
great, great grand.

My mom was just a few
years off of being able
to hold her first great, great
that thought sent me
into to melt down.

Yes, I know it will
take time, but I want that
time to fly by.
Tired of being tired,
tired of feeling like
I will never be me again, 
even the Fibro me.



Sandee said…
I hope you fell better soon. I hate being tired and having no energy.

What a beautiful teenager you were.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Liz A. said…
You've had a rough time of it of late. No wonder you're losing your mind. It's okay. You're okay. It sucks. But this too shall pass. It might not seem like it, but you're doing great. What was that saying? There's a magnet of it that was on my fridge years ago. "If you're going through hell, keep going." It's attributed to Winston Churchill.
Christine said…
I hope you feel better soon Pam, maybe when the weather cools down it will help.
I know I haven't always left a comment but I have been reading your previous posts ...
You have not had an easy time of late - what an understatement that is - please know that me, and all your blogging friends, are sending lots of good wishes to you.
Take care and hope you can feel the positive vibes coming your way.
My good wishes.

All the best Jan
Marie Smith said…
Hang in there, Pam. You will come back stronger than ever, I pray!
Mari said…
Hang in there kid! I think you are doing great.
I love that pic of you at 15.
Jeanette said…
I hope things get better for you soon. Sending healing thoughts you way!
Dang, purrs and prayers from all of us. I sure hope you feel better soon.
BeachGypsy said…
Very cute picture of you and Margaret, Pam! Wow, time has gone by so quickly hasn't it? Seems like yesterday we were young girls. I hope you start feeling better SOON. Your body has been through alot. I'm thinking you made the right decision about the house, do it now while you're able and I think being close to your daughter will be GREAT FOR BOTH OF YOU.
Ann said…
Sure hope you are feeling better soon.
Darla M Sands said…
I wish I could hug you for real, my dear. Please take care and try not to despair.
Not feeling well sure affects your psyche. Especially when you've not been feeling for a while like you have. I certainly hope things turn around for you soon!

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