Russian Blue Princess, Two Birds with One Stone and Achieve


Look at that pretty,
gray, velvet looking
With that double coat
of fur Misty River
is so soft, and it does
feel like velvet. 

She is ALL
gray, it only gets a little
lighter near the paws.

My beautiful Russian Royal 
Blue princess. 

I am always sitting on my
rear, not always pleasant since
I have no meat back there...
While I sit, I design my home
in my head.
As you probably have gathered, I have
not done a lot of changes since
moving here in March 2020.
I had a talk with myself
and decided that I will do 
something, at least one thing,
My problem has been, keeping the 
house cleaned up after myself
and sitting on my rear....
all this relates to my body. 
I can have energy in a brust here
and there, which allows
me to pull stuff out and 
work on something, then once I 
pull it out, I am to worn out to do anything,
or I do something and even more
worn out to clean up. 
When that happens, it can sit there
for days...or longer.

Even something as simple as
laundry can do me in.
For one, my washer and dryer is
in the basement, downstairs. 
I might be able to get it done,
getting it put away, sometimes
an issue. 
This has set in my living room floor
for five days now.
To break this conversation down,
sometimes I can't get extra stuff
done. I basically have to stick 
to MUST DO's and 
not extra.
Then again, sometimes I just
have to do EXTRA and forget the 
laundry or dishes. 

Anyway, even if I just clean
out a drawer, or a shelf.
Today, I have a couple of things
I want to work on in the 
basement, already started 
projects, while doing that, I 
will throw some towels 
and washcloth's in the washer. 
Sort of killing to birds with one

Wonder where that saying came from?
It is to be believed that the phrase 
was originated from the story of Daedalus
 and Icarus from Greek Mythology.
 Daedalus killed two birds with one stone in 
order to get the feathers of the birds and 
make the wings. The father and son who
 escaped from the Labyrinth on
 Crete by making wings and flying out.

I took Greek Mythology in school...
yep, I remember the names Zues, Apollo, Poseidon,
Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, but that 
is about it.
Lesson well learned!

I also took Shakespeare, which I did

To be or not to be, that is 
the question!

What did you take in high school
other than the basic stuff?

How long does it take you to 
do a load of laundry, from sorting to
putting away?

Moving on to one more thing~
As I discussed before, I do not
make new years resolutions, I
do however, try to set goals.
I did not even do that this yr.
I don't have a word for 
the year either,
never done that.
This year however,
at the end of January,
I have a word.
My first word.

My word is going to be
as I said above, 
I am going to work to 
achieving one thing I sat
out to do every day,
starting today.

What did you 




Christine said…
Cute Misty.
Darla M Sands said…
We think so much alike. ~grin~ Just yesterday I recited all my achieved goals, both planned and not, which felt great. As for your ridiculous traverse to the laundry room, I wondered what other things you might do in the vicinity. :D Best wishes to you and yours, my dear.
Liz A. said…
Do what you can when you can. Why must you accomplish stuff every day, anyway? Sometimes you just need to rest.
Marie Smith said…
There are days I don’t achieve much. I count a day a success if I can get out for a walk or on the treadmill. A painful hip and leg are preventing those now. Misery on so many levels.

I hope this was a good day for you, Pam.
Sweet Misty has the prettiest and soft looking furs. I don't get much done lots of days.
Ann said…
My laundry often sits in the basket for days before it gets put away.
Jeanie said…
We're so hard on ourselves, aren't we? We think we should do it all, now. And the body says no, and then we beat ourselves up. You are doing great. The list of things you share that you've been involved with is impressive. Do what you can and be glad you did it. Then rest. And hold that beautiful Misty.
Rain said…
Your cat is very pretty Pam! If I don't make the bed as soon as I get out of it, the dogs jump in and under the covers and get their hair everywhere!!! Pam, you linked up to last Thursday's art date but it was a broken link, so I had to remove it, just fyi!
My grey fluffy kitty is super soft like that. I'm very careful with flowers/plants around the kitties!!

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