
Showing posts from August, 2022

Welcome Sept, Watering Feral, and Curtains

 Summer is almost over!! YAY.. I saw this on FB the other day and for those that help feed the feral this is amazing. I buy my litter in the largest containers...35 lbs. Thinking that is going to have to  stop however since they are a _ _ _ch to lift and bring in the house.  Anyway, for those that take care of the feral and have the 35 lb containers, this is an awesome idea. Fill with water that will last a bit. I furnished James a couple of these for storing chicken feed and  dog food in. I have one on the deck that holds my gardening gloves and tools. Keeps them handy yet  out of the way.  I don't go to  Goodwill often these days. Prices have gotten crazy and  I am not revamping/ repurposing or recycling like I used to.  However, sometimes I  drop in when I am in  search of something. A few weeks ago I found a bed skirt for my bed and the new  bedspread I bought. Total 3.99. Looks great. I went looking for a  black skirt for my Halloween costume  and found curtians. Okay, so its

Memes, and Halloween Decor

 Just posting some things I have seen lately that I thought was cute. As I write this, it is Sunday evening. It comes and goes so fast. I had a friend tag me on this pic. She was reminding me that I need to be careful with my brooms this time of yr... Witches..... And I can't wait. I am so ready.  Bring on the fall. My mom loved spring. She said that fall was depressing cause everything was dying off. Me....It don't die if it comes back the  next spring. I love  I want a couple of  skeletons like this to pose them in  different ways... But oh my gosh, why do they cost so much? Do you decorate your yard for Halloween? Or just your door? With that said, I sent an email out to my hood asking if anyone would  be interested in decorating our mailboxes. So far I  have ten folks out of close to 500 homes that said YES. But, you gotta start somewhere. I already have my idea in  my head. Pam

Fesitvals in Tennessee during August

 Jan over at did a post on the Scarecrow Festival. That made me think of the  festivals we have here in  TN. so I thought I would  post about that.  The weekend  before last Nashville had its annual  Tomato Festival I did not attend this yr. The heat is just too much for me. This past weekend was the  Sweet Tea and Southern Pickin's Festival. Here is a list that I copied off the internet for  August.   8/26-8/27 –  Sweet Tea and Southern Pickin’s Festival  – McKenzie 8/26-8/27 –  Grind City Fest  – Memphis 8/26-8/27 –  Deep Tropics Music Art and Style Festival  – Nashville 8/27 –  First Lutheran’s GermanFest  – Knoxville 8/27 –  TriPride Festival  – Bristol TN/VA 8/27 –  Blooming Onion Festival  – Cleveland 8/27 –  IndiaFest  – Knoxville 8/27 –  East Tennessee Bigfoot Festival  – Morristown 8/27 –  Lakeway International Food Festival  – Morristown 8/27 –  Rock the Smokies Christian Music Festival  – Pigeon Forge 8/27 –  Cherokee Heritage Day

Fun with Furs

  This gorgeous girl keeps me laughing. I got up off the couch to go to the kitchen and  came back to this site. I just love this  girl. HAHA.....this has been my  life lately. Glad I have not been  busy with the venue.  I have even stopped going into town at Photo Services every week, I go every other  these days. My house is a mess. I used to live out of baskets (clothes that never got put away), now I live off the guest bed.  Yikes, matter of fact I need to head to  the basement, laundry is calling my name. I never cook anymore. I am not crafting or painting... Lily and I have not been playing chase and hide and seek lately..... I have to feel better soon. With that being said, I have been doing some reading on my meds and health issues. You see, I have been on a  CPAP machine since 2005. I had a few yrs after that, that  I felt great during the day. Little by little in combo with Fibro things started to slip.  Being it came about little by little its hard to tell just when things c

DJ, Football and Broken Foot

 This is DJ, my middle grandson. DJ was a different sort of  a baby and child.  He was attached to him mom so much it was unreal. So much so that at a couple months old mom and dad went to a ball game and I was watching DJ for the first and last time. He cried for his mom the whole three to four hours they were gone. I could not take it. As he grew we noticed that he had OCD issues. He could not stand things to be out of place and he was only like three yrs old. His mom had a couple of monkey figurines on the  end table, it one got turned around the wrong way and he saw it, he had to  fix that. He was a loner, he was not much of a talker and he would not spend the night away from home. I worried that he would not find his niche. I was afraid that he would not have friends or find his place. I was wrong! He made friends in school. He is a good student and  he found football! This kid  LOVES his  The day after the second game into his 8th grade year he is waiting for the bus when a frien