Emily and the Song, Hermitage Hills Hillbillies, The Girl Doll and Sleep

UPDATE~ since posting this post I have realized that the link below does not work if you click on it.. I copied it and used it that way and it came up. Emily, me, Julie and Autumn. Part of the I Do Crew at TN Tiny Weddings. Emily is new to our group. But she is doing an awesome job. Emily is also one of Nashville's local singer/songwriter and we are so proud to have her assisting and playing at the venue. Just this Friday Emily, a co-writer on a song to our service men and women released this song. (below) https://ffm.to/thank-you.ofp?fbclid=IwAR2U3WEnM3ogm4djlhvkxdyDSXzbuUaoDgYDY9PU4N6ZAuF2LqLD2jvMFdo I sort of took it easy, to say the least today.....I basically slept all day except around two when I went out to get some lunch. I spotted this when I went out. A CAR...not a truck loaded down in front of Hermitage Hills (subdivision) ....looks like Hermitage Hills Hillbillies! Once I posted on FB... Aric, a friend, posted this...