Accident Waiting to Happen- That's Me, Fibro

You all know me by now.
I appear to be an accident or
screw up waiting to happen.
Mom used to tell me that she
could put me in a padded room
and I would come out with 
bruises all over me. 

Well Thursday Mark came
to cut the yard. He was on the 
rider in the fence and I was
doing some pushing with
my mower. He is great about getting
really close to items but to keep him
from having to do that I take the 
mower, usually before he comes
and I cut up close to the flower
garden, the deck, the bushes and 
trees I planted. However he surprised
me coming a day earlier then I thought
he would. But like I said, he was on 
the rider and I was near the flower
bed when all of a sudden, BAM something
hit my behind the head on the neck. A
rock or stick or something, I forgot to 
look. I jerked around cause I thought in 
that split second Mark was messing with me!!

 Image may contain: one or more people and closeup

Nope he was cutting away. I reached back

and already had a knot coming up. There is 
a small red place right under the that
patch of hair. I know hard to see.
It was really sore but the next
day it was all gone. I did not say anything
to Markie since he would have felt really
bad. But just goes to show you that I am
some sort of target!!

Anyway what  you prob don't know is
I deal with a lot of issues that connect
to my Firbromyalia. Of course the universe
targeting me is totally different. But some
of my accidents waiting to happen are
due to it.

I have balance issues. I can be standing,
both feet on the ground, body not moving
and I can lose my balance and strumble
forward or to the side. Oops....I just 
make a silly comment about drinking
to much. I get dizzy and will also lose
my balance like that.

I also have issues holding on to things.
I drop a lot of things and due to that
I can make a mess in the kitchen.
Either with breaking something or
spilling something. I just laugh, go
on about my business and clean up. 
If I let that stuff mess with me I 
would be a total basket case.

Walking, I sometimes don't pick
my feet up enough and I trip over
things that are not there. I do this
cause my legs sometimes are really
weak. And to fall up,
I should get an award. I fall up 
more then I have fallen down. 

I know that as you age you tend
to forget things from one min
to the next but ......
wait, what was I talking about?
LOL...I have gotten really bad. 
I used to say it was a sign of
a busy mind and you could not
keep up with all going on in there...
then when I was younger I called
it Jr. Alhimerizer's. Well then I got
older and had to drop the Jr. 
Well I finally stopped that all
together cause mom reminded
me my granny had that!
With that the scare set in cause
I have since lost an aunt and 
uncle along with granny from
that mess. 

I had to call my forgetting something
so I started calling it Lack of 
Oxygen to the Brain moments.
Why...I found out that my migraines
were just that...lack of oxygen. 
Sleep apnea was the cause of that.
So....that is what I call it now. 
Although with being on a CPAP
for 15 yrs and the memory 
is no better I am realizing that 
yes, the Fibro does mess with 
the memory also. 

I could go on and on about this
mess, like how I can stay on focus,
some days I can't carry on a 
decent conversation cause my 
mind skips around so much that
no one can follow my chain of
thought, or how I use the wrong
word when talking about something 
which to me makes me feel like
a dumb butt. Or how the big toe
on both feet are partially numb and 
up the back part of the right foot. 
The pain, everyday, all day. 

There is so much more that 
goes hand in hand with this

This is so true.

I tell you this to let you know why
things happen sometimes like they
do. Like the breaking of dishes and 
stuff but....I really, really wished that 
the universe would lay off and stop
hitting me with rocks!



OUCH! That had to smart but I guess it beats getting smacking in the eye or something!
NanaDiana said…
I know several people with fibro and it is SUcH a miserable disease. Very unpredictable from day to day. Hoping you have a great day. xo Diana
Christine said…
glad you are ok.
CHERI said…
I am so sorry. I had a friend with this years ago but she moved away and I never knew how bad it got. I'm sure it is a terrible thing to live with, but you seem to do it with such humor and insight. May God bless you and give you relief.
CHERI said…
I have never really known a lot about your disease but I'm sure it is very difficult to live with. You seem to do it with much humor and insight and like the Energizer Bunny you just keep going and going:) May God bless you and give you relief
Ann said…
OUCH, that must have hurt when you got hit in the neck. Glad it was gone the next day.
I do the tripping over things that aren't there all the time and I don't even have fibro. I'm just a
Darla M Sands said…
Your painful incident reminds me of spring/summer 2019. The very first time I mowed the grass, our lawnmower threw off its blade. Thank heaven I didn't get hurt by that but it took a solid month for repairs. A few weeks later my husband knocked into our shovel leaning next to where I knelt and the thing bounced off the top of my head. I think my shout carried to the next county. Heh... Minutes later I got swarmed by ants and hollered again. ~shakes head~ At least the ants didn't bite and I didn't get a knot like you did, poor thing. But another time he mowed too close to where I worked and several rocks pelted my back and head. Again, the incident didn't leave lingering painful marks, but a week or so later I got stung by a hornet on the back of my head. Heh... I'll take all that silly nonesense over chronic pain any day. ~hugs~ I hope you are having a good day without overwhelming symptoms. Best wishes!
Liz A. said…
Ouch, that had to hurt. As for dropping things, my SIL bought a set of glasses that were made from something unbreakable because she kept dropping them. I can't remember what the material was now, but it was clear and durable. Glad you have a sense of humor about it. It would be hard to deal with all of the time.
Jeanie said…
Ugh, Pam. Sounds grim. I'm so glad you have to deal with this. I hope it heals quickly.

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