BOOZED, Re/max, Grill and Meal
I am a member in this
And I got boozed Saturday.!
When I sent a message to my
daughter in law she wanted
to know HOW MUCH
I told her a sip and that
if for some reason I went
over that I would put this
glitter mask on and
send her a pic!1
For the fun of it I need to
do that..
WINE used to be my
drink of choice but over
the years I pulled away from
it cause sulfite in it cause
the asthma to flare from
time to time. Just had a glass
and did fine.
I have BOOZED two people
so far and have two baskets
ready to go.
Oh my gosh the house
looks great in pics.
Went on the market Sat. morn...
showed Sat morning and the
couple seemed interested.
Course not sure what else
they were showed and not
heard anything else this afternoon.
The other day I actually
put this little babe together.
And this happened.
OH was so good.
I actually cooked the
steak and the turkey
sausage. I ate the steak
but on a bite of the
sausage. But I did have
that sausage with eggs
for breakfast.
Now when you brush your teeth
you will think about doing it
with the wrong hand...and
think of me...
They did get some great pictures of your house. I've seen listings with horrible pictures that are dark or blurry and show very little. You have a good realtor working for you there.
I had burgers on the grill at my daughters yesterday. It was so good.
You put the grill together; I am not surprised in the least. :)
And, you cooked good food on it.
You, my friend are amazing.