Baby Bed Rails

Well, its raining again!
So tired of rain.
Once again also I am trying 
to get my blog done.
Maybe I will not delete it this time.

Yesterday I spent the better part of 
the day cleaning out a couple of
closets and dressers. 
I have one brother that has no
attachment to things so he would
just be here tossing stuff and the other
brother is having a hard time just
coming over. 

I will require their help in the basement
but her personal things I want to
go through. I want to touch, smile, 
cry and see what all I find and I can
do that better on my own.

Not the way I thought I would spend
my bday but I have to do things as
I feel like it. 

How about some BATHROOM

NOPE, I will not be doing this
in my BR but I saw and 
wanted to share.


You know that I love taking
items and revamping them 
for other uses.
So I thought I would share
with you on what
you can do with the rails
of a baby bed. 

A baby gate.

This is cute idea below.

A drying rack.

For your plants.

For decor.

For  your throws or
towels even.

 Pots and pans. 

 or for matchbox cars!

Took this last week when Amber
and I went to the Oz play.
This is Nashville's capital building.
Isn't it pretty all lite up?

Rain till Sunday. Maybe we will not
slide off this hill I am sitting on!


NanaDiana said…
My son just got rid of "the last crib"and I told him to save the side rail for me.
I am sorry you are having to go through stuff. It is a lonesome job, Pam. Blessings and I hope you have a great weekend. xo Diana
Liz A. said…
Sounds like we're having as much rain as you are. Glad you managed not to delete this post ;) (We've all done it...)

Some good ideas. Stay dry.
Ann said…
There is still more of Wade's stuff that I need to go through and eventually I will get around to it. It's not an easy task.
Love the ideas for the crib rails. I have one in the crawl space so I could do a couple of these
Those are such pretty things. We are supposed to have rain for the next 9 days, yuck!
Sally said…
Even though you're going through such a sad time, you always make me smile, Pam. I completely understand going through your mom's 'things'; I did the same and my brother never questioned anything.

I hope the rain stops for you!

Jeanie said…
It's a long and hard job, Pam. Take the time you need.

I love all the ideas for the crib rails! Every one is terrific!
wisps of words said…
It's good that you are starting the cleaning out process.

HappyK said…
Wow so many great ideas.
I'm kind of half way in between. Like to keep some things but don't have a hard time giving things away either.
Such awesome ideas....I love them!
Some very good ides, thanks for sharing them.

All the best Jan

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