A Bit of Halloween and Christmas

My daughter finally got the boys name paintings hung. I plan on doing the older boys theirs too. Getting a lot of painting done while away from home... I not only cook a home coming meal for my brother and sis in law when I stay there, I usually leave gifts. This was painted on 5x7 for the house. But this however was painted for me. I painted one like this last yr for my home so this yr I did this one for my sis in law. I wanted to do one for my daughter but then this thought hit me.. ⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊ One that names all the folks in the family... Her own little (BIG) Brady Bunch Family. Then I painted one for my other sis in law. Just realized that I need to hit that ball with a touch of white to look like a reflection of light. I have gotten 3 rocks painted. Of course I finished the last two for my niece that I blogged about the other day....