Day 246 - November 25, 2010 - The Thanksgiving Meal
Thanksgiving meal at my brothers house. Ray and
Lori have been holding Thanksgiving at their house
for about the last six or seven years since the family
has grown and there are too many of us for Mom's.
We all pitch in by bringing a dish.
My niece Paige was nice enough to mark my
cup so that I would not misplace it while
running around with the camera and sitting
the cup here and there. Thanks Paige.
There was creamed potatoes, cheesey potatoes, green beans,
sweet tater casserole, dressing, ham, turkey, corn casserole and.........
desserts! This is a chesse cake that my nephew Chase made....
and the cherry topping was great!
Lori have been holding Thanksgiving at their house
for about the last six or seven years since the family
has grown and there are too many of us for Mom's.
We all pitch in by bringing a dish.
My niece Paige was nice enough to mark my
cup so that I would not misplace it while
running around with the camera and sitting
the cup here and there. Thanks Paige.
sweet tater casserole, dressing, ham, turkey, corn casserole and.........
and the cherry topping was great!
stuffed eggs so of course I had to make up a batch to bring
over........yummy, they are so good.