Wire Basket, Cup, Lily Bit, Exhausterwhelmulated and Levi (B's Friend) and Braden
I mentioned the other day
about going thrifting.
I picked up this heavy metal
wire basket for 4 bucks.
I looked it up on google
search and found someone
has one just like it
for 26.99
Pretty good deal on
that. I had to laugh though,
it stated that the basket
was a vintage basket.
With that said, I am going
to go down a rabbit
hole to find out how old
something has to be to be
vintage, or antique.
Let you know later what
I find out about that.
Looked up the cup and
saucer also.
I paid 4 bucks for thatalso and its worth 12.
Mine however is missing the
cat spoon.
Speaking of cat, I laid
down early in the afternoon
on Monday, and Lily
Bit came and tucked herself
behind my knees like normal,
and after the 2nd big head
rub, she curled up and
Monday evenings ball game
with Braden's school was starting
30 mins earlier than normal,
4:30. The school furnishes
as van to get the boys
to games but I had planned
on the 30 min drive to go.
I am glad I did, Since it was
starting earlier, and Amber
works about an hour away from
Centerville, not
getting off till 5 I told her
not to try and come. I was there,
I would bring Braden home.
That meant I locked myself
in to staying for the whole
I was happy that it did not
get really cold. I had my jacket and
a blanket so I was covered,
just did not want to freeze out
there. Team lost.
Braden caught a high fly
ball to make the 3rd out
on the other team.
These games are not something
I can do every time. You see, I
talk about the pain and
fatigue that goes with
Fibro but I have not
really talked about how
somethings can be
At the game there were
small kids, and
early teens running up
and down the metal bleachers.
Kicking the fencing that goes
up and down the bleachers.
Walking past me on
bleachers, constantly.
It became really
overwhelming to me.
Noise and smells can become
more intense and the noise
was hitting high on the
intense and overwhelming scales.
During times like this,
I have to take some really
deep breaths, keep my mouth
shut, don't shoot daggers and tough it out.
I did. I got Braden home. He is
so sweet that it makes me
toughing it out worth it.
I have this thing I do for him,
I always leave a piece of candy
or two in his seat when I pick
him up, he thanked me for that.
I got him McDonalds to eat.
He thanked me for that.
When I got him home, he
thanked me for the ride,
then the food again,
then told me her loved me,
and thanked me again,
for whatever reason!
Yep, it was worth it.
Levi on the left and Braden on the right.
I hate seeing him grown up.
Hoping your Monday was
a good one,
Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. A big hug to you and lots of loving scritches to the kitties. ♥