Swollen Hand and Leipers Fork

Wasp sting update~
I made an apt to go 
to Fast Pace on Sunday,
then canceled. 
I wanted to give it one 
more day. I did ice 
off and on all day and 
did Benadryl cream,
Sunday night, swelling 
is going down.

This was Sunday 
This in is this 
morning. Never
been so happy to 
see my ugly veins

Leipers Fork, TN.
Cool little place about 30 mins from
the house. I have been here, years
ago but the other day, I wanted
to get out, so I picked 
Leiper's Fork. 
Of course, since I love old 
cars I had to stop and take
pics of this one.

Then off I went, 
camera around my neck and
ready for pics.
This is one of the local 

Isn't that yellow door

Cool door with all the 
details on it.

I also love the old
door knobs on these
old doors.

I thought this would 
stand out in a pic
as B&W.

Again, the detail, down to 
the very knob itself.

This is a store in the mist
of about eight buildings, its not
a very big place.

This is the store window.
Cute, paint around the broken
window to look like the center
of the flower.

Well, I sort of missed this 
shot, I was aiming for the 
quilt block but managed 
to get the porch rail in 
the way. 
Oh well!

This church was 
built in 1831.
I find it is so amazing that homes
churches built that long ago
are still standing and looking
that good.

Not sure what this building
is for, but it was behind a house
on the main stretch. 

Another view of the gallery.

This area was next to a 
restaurant. So adorable.
I would love a place like
this in my backyard.

Course, I took a pic of 
the tree cause I thought
it was cool.

Outside the store, made 
of metal.

You see, Leipers Fork is 
an artsy area. The stores and 
gallery's of course contain
local artist wears.

And a passing shot as
I left the area.

More to come later.



What a cute little town. Love all the detail and the architecture. Good call not going to in for the wasp sting, there was not much that they could have done beyond what you already did.
Christine said…
Thanks for the update
Sandee said…
Glad the swelling is going down. That's one swollen hands.

What a fun place to explore and I would love to have that picnic table in my backyard too. Beautiful.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Scritches to the precious kitties. ♥
Love those photos, such cool places. I sure am glad your hand is doing better today.
Darla M Sands said…
I, too, am glad your hand is healing. ~hugs~ And thanks for sharing these pictures. I would enjoy exploring with you, my dear. Take care!
Liz A. said…
What a cute little town.
Marie Smith said…
What a great photo shoot. Such a lovely little community! Nothing like a small town.
Ann said…
What a neat place that is. I love the old town feel of it.
Jeanie said…
Yiikes. That hand looked grim. But you sure had some good pix out of your day. I really love the yellow door too.
Mari said…
I'm so glad your hand is doing better!
That little town is the cutest. I'd love to visit there!
Marie Smith said…
Pam, your stream on my blog is showing new posts but when I go into one, this post keeps opening. I haven’t had the same problem with other bloggers’ posts recently! Marie

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