Plates and Shed, Hawk Warning, and Bird Activity


 Morning all.
I managed those two days
of doing something outside but,
on day three, the temps
had dropped.
We had storms on Wednesday
night that ushered in
a change in the temps.
Then on Thursday the 
wind was blowing and that made
those temps so much 
cooler feeling.
I went out to cover my
three bushes I had planted
and to take the trash out and 
Brrr, it was too cold for 
me to stay out.

But I did do something outside
later that day, the wind 
had stopped blowing and
it did not feel near as cold.
While outside, I moved my plates
from the back of what was
a flowerbed in front of my 
porch, to the side of the shed
that faces the road. 

I love it. 
In a flowerbed, the flowers sometimes
grow higher than the plates so you 
can't see them well. This way I 
will be able to see them
when I pull in the driveway. 

Just a wildlife FYI.

Speaking of birds and 
wildlife, I had a lot of
activity across the street 
on Thursday and again 
on Friday.


I was beginning to get
a bad feeling the way they
kept flying around and sitting 
in the neighbor's tree, wondering if
they were trying to tell me
it was my time.
Just joking!
But with all the activity
flying around across the street, 
made me wonder what was 
going on. I walked across
the street to check things out,
a baby dead deer on the 
side of the road. 
It was bad when it was just three,
but later that evening, those
three invited guest over
and before I knew it, there were
ten. Activity picked up. 

Every time a car
goes by they up and fly 
around, causing a 
shadow in my front yard.

Have an amazing day,


The Happy Whisk said…
You have an amazing day as well. I've never seen buzzards in real life. Plenty of other bird birds, just not those, that I know of. Wishing you a good week.
I was wondering if there was something dead over there when you mentioned the buzzards. As ugly as they are, they are amazing birds and are able to smell something dead even if it is as small as a rabbit.
Christine said…
scary hawk warning
Mari said…
I absolutely love what you did with those plates!
I've heard this about hawks, so scary for small animals.
Yikes, those buzzards are kind of scary too.
Darla M Sands said…
Hawks *and* coyote dangers? Yikes, indeed. Thank you for sharing. Do you know if these buzzards were red or black headed? The red are less aggressive and more social. They all do cast a large shadow and have made quite the clatter on our roof a time or two. I adore these janitors of the skies, though happy they don't gather over our yard due to their stinky, messy droppings. :D Best wishes, my very talented friend. If only I could drive down for one of your painting classes. :)
The hawks are hunting around here too. Fortunately our backyard where the ferals live is pretty much tree covered so they can't swoop in and they won't go in our trees due to the dogs next door.
Liz A. said…
Yeah, the buzzards would be creepy. But, dead deer, so understandable. That's the way of nature.
BeachGypsy said…
I LOVE YOUR NEW plate arrangement!! I liked it before, but this is even better. I also have lots of plates outside, mine don't look as good as yours tho!
Ann said…
The plates look nice along the side of your shed. That's kind of creepy with the buzzards.
Marie Smith said…
I love what you did with the plates so you can see them through the seasons. Buzzards are scary but necessary. I’d have to look too.

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