Misty's Help or Hinderance, Coffee and the Girls, Old Toys, and Old Doors

 But mom, I want to   

Actually, I want to play 
with the yarn and 

make it hard for you to work.

Check out those claws
in the second pic! 
She is such a mess.

Tuesday morning I enjoyed
my coffee from my
corner of the sectional, with
both my girls in the line
of sight.

Misty was in her own 
world and Lily was
just staring at me.

Had a doc apt Tuesday
afternoon but to kill time
before needing to be there
I made a stop at

On my way to check out 
I saw these toys that
kids today would not 
know what to do with 

A Kazoo.

A harmonica.

My favorite, a 

Course you know
I had to shoot the inside
of that kaleidoscope!

This one I am not 
sure about, not sure
I have seen it before.
Pulled Pork.

A pig.


With my stay awake meds
working now that the dose
has been upped, I am starting
to feel better.
Feeling better means
doing things.
I hauled one of my old
doors in the house and 
started cleaning it.

These doors are nasty.
But water, dishing
washing liquid, 
a scrubbing pad and a 
toothbrush, all 
After scrubbing this first 
door and getting it clean,
I removed that 
command hook at the 
top of the door. 
With this done, I have 
three coats of sealer
on this side of the 
door, and one on the 
other. Need to get 
those other two coats 
done and finish up 
this project.
Pics to come when
all done.



Your little kitty looks like a troublemaker!
Jeanie said…
You're super productive. More so than I! Lizzie's nails are out of control. She's getting her pedicure next week from my visiting vet and I can't wait!
Liz A. said…
Yay, stay awake meds! I'm so glad you're not sleeping all day again. I know you hate it when you sleep so much.
Marie Smith said…
Puss has that look of mischief!
BeachGypsy said…
I sure do remember the toys, except the pig one. I LOVED those kaleidoscopes!!!--- so fascinating. Did you play Jacks? I loved that game. Paper dolls is another one kids today wouldn't understand.
Christine said…
Cute Misty
Sandee said…
I'm glad you're feeling better. That's a most wonderful thing.

Your kitties are most adorable.

I want to see that door when you're all done. I know it will be most beautiful.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. A hug to you and scritches to the girls. ♥
Red Rose Alley said…
Oh, I remember some of those things, Pam. My son used to have a harmonica growing up. I'm not sure what those pigs things are haha. That is a cool photo of the kaleidoscope. You always take the best pics of your cats. I'm anxious to see what you are going to do with that door. Looks really nice and clean now.

Happy March Pam!

Miss Merry said…
So glad you are starting to feel better! I have never heard of a "pulled pork" lol.
Darla M Sands said…
One of my kitties (Terra, no doubt) managed to dump my wedding cake topper onto the floor. One dove's wing from the music box broke. ~sigh~ Glue should fix that; meanwhile, the flowered Styrofoam base didn't see much damage. Please try not to overdo things now that you're feeling better. ~hugs~ Best wishes, my dear.
Ann said…
Trying to knit or crochet with a cat around is next to impossible.
Can't wait to see what you do with the door.
You are such an adorable helper sweet Misty. Those toys are all fun ones!

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