Lily Bit/Little Shit, Blooms, Downed Tree and Antique vs Vintage

 Hi, I am Lily Bit and mom
sometimes calls me her little 
shit. She sings this song she 
made up, "Lily Bit, you 
are my little shit"...
I don't understand why.

Hey bloggers, this is Pam and 
I will tell you why Lily Bit
gets called my little shit.
She is very demanding in the 
morning hours. Like this morning,
it started with her running in the 
room. Now mind you, Lily is only
7 lbs, but she walks and runs
like a football player!

She is loud. So, that woke me
just enough to know that I 
was not happy and off to 
sleep I went again. 
She has stopped the running 
across my body to wake me,
instead, she jumps up on the 
bed, and right back off. Sort
of like a hit and run thing.
This happens about three times
and then she sits in the floor
and meows at me.

I finally make my way to the kitchen 
where I find both girls
wanted to eat. Misty is sitting

at the dry food bowls, and yes there 
is food in them, but she 
requires them to be topped
off. Lily is wanting 
her wet food. 
They are fed.

I fix my coffee and I 
go sit on the couch to 
drink it, then I hear Misty 
calling, "mama".
Yes, that is how the meow sounds.
But it sounds muffled, so 
I go to find her. 
She got shut up in the bathroom.
Oh, why is the bathroom door
closed? So that Lily will not 
go in there, jump up on 
the sink and bellow for me till
I go in there to do head rubs. 

I went ahead and opened the 
back door to the deck cause
I know that once I 
sit back down to drink 
my coffee, Lily will go and 
sit next to the door, 
meowing at me to let
her out. Beat her before
she had a chance to 
yell for me. 

However, that did not 
stop her from calling for 
head rubs, sitting at the 
bathroom door!

I make her 
wait while I FB, blog and 
drink my coffee.
Normally I laugh these off 
as they happen but this
morning I did 
not want to get up right 
away. Only the little shit
wanted me up.

After all that, I am in 
the mist of typing out this
post when this happens.

My view below of the 
little nose.
She will not just lay on my
tummy and chest, she has
to try and fit that body on 
my right shoulder and chest.

Thank goodness this only
last a few seconds.

Finally, it is quiet, Misty
is on the back of the couch,
behind me and Lily ventured
out to the deck, more then likely
the daybed for her morn 
nap. I am going to wait 
until she is good and asleep 
then I am going to meow 
and hit the mattress.
Tis why she is my little
shit....but man I love her.

Yesterdays view of my 
yard. Daffodils are about 
to bust open. I planted these
along the sidewalk last yr.

I bought and planted something
in my cinderblock flowerbed
last year. If you know what 
they are, please say so, I 
have no clue.

Matter of fact, I was 
surprised to see them 
cause I forgot I planted 

My sedum in the pot
is coming out.

Now that they have 
poked out of the dirt
I will cut back the stems
from last yr.

With some powerful 
winds last week, I found 
this tree had literally been 
blown out of the ground.
 not thick, but it was tall so I 
am headed to go and get a 
small chain saw. Probably the
one saw I don't own. As much
as I hate using electric yard tools,
the gas ones are just to 
heavy, so yes, I am just
getting a small electric chain 
saw. Easier for me 
to manage.

I believe it was Liz
that stated she thought to be
an antique something had 
to be 100 or older in years.
I looked it up and this is 
what I found per my post 
the other day about antique
vs vintage. 
I am not happy about me
being vintage but I guess
it is better than being
an antique!

Power on folks and 
have a great day,


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