Lily Bit vs Misty River, Lazy Cow Couch, Weather, Crystal Ball and Looking Out
Lily Bit, loves head rubs,
from either behind my knees or
on the BR sink. She does not like
to be held, or loved on. Plus, she only
prefers to be rubbed on when she
wants it. Loves play if I play with
her, generally don't play alone.
Loves chase and hide and seek.
I love it when she tucks
herself behind my knees.
Its relaxing to lay there and
rub her head. She has the
softest fur.
around. She rather play
alone and not with me.
She is so totally soft also. Unlike
Lily, she loves to snuggle esp
on my chest. She has not
concept of personal space. Walking
across the keyboard when I
am blogging or surfing.
It's funny before cats
I thought they were all alike.
Actually, never thought
about them at all, but
then I fell in love and I was
surprised, mine are as different
as night and day.
This is so me!!!
leave the couch.
Friday morning around
4 am or so, the first round
came in. LOUD and PROUD.
Woke me several times,
windows and walls shaking,
and I rolled back over more
than once to go back to sleep.
Got another round coming in
this morning.
what Misty says after
studying her
crystal ball.
A few mins later, Misty moved
from the crystal ball to the window
to see if the 2nd round was coming
through yet.
Here's hoping you have
a great weekend,
No storms here right now, but terrible winds and power outages. Our power just came back on and I hope it stays on!