Itchy Rash, Wash Clothes, Hummingbirds and Misty

 You all know that if is going
to happen, it is going to 
happen to me.
That is no lie at all.

Last week when I was working
out in the apparently, I came
in contact with something that
my skin did not like.

I saw no poison ivy, 
oak or anything like that.
I was just too busy being
sure not to pick up 
a snake thinking 
it was a stick under all 
those leaves.

This too will heal!!

I have felt rather useless 
for several weeks but finally,
it appears the meds are 
worked out and 
I am not sleeping 
all day.
But while not feeling
useful I felt the need
to do something so at 
night when I headed to bed,
I took my yarn and needle
with me.
Crocheting relaxes me and
sitting up in bed working at
night was a nice way to
pass the time till I was tired.
But since I was between
afghans, I crocheted wash

They are coming so I 
put my feeders out on 
Monday. I actually fall
April 1 to 15, but just 
in case a few make
it up this way earlier.

I keep birdseed out
all year round so the
regular birds have food. 
I did put some in a feeder
on the rail of the front porch
on Saturday, though and on
Monday, I watched a 
Tufted Titmouse came 
and ate several times.
I love watching the birds.

Oh mom, turn the lights
off so I can go to 
sleep please!

Isn't this the most
adorable, the way she
covers her face with her 

Hope you have 
a great day,


Sandee said…
We feed the hummingbirds year around. There are quite a few in the winter months. The summer months it's hard to keep up with keeping the feeders full. We love watching them.

I hope your rash clears up soon.

Love the paw covering her face. Adorable.

Have a fabulous day and week, Pam. Big hug to you and scritches to the kitties. ♥
Christine said…
Oh no on the rash
Liz A. said…
Cute wash cloths.
Miss Merry said…
What a sweet kitty picture.
Jeanie said…
Don't you just hate mystery stuff like that? Hope it's gone soon. Oh, that adorable Misty!
BeachGypsy said…
Aaawww--- so sweet when they hide their face like that! We got our hummingbird feeders out yesterday, can't wait to see them! Smile 😊
Darla M Sands said…
It is such a precious sight when critters cover their eyes. :) Thanks for reminding me about hummingbird arrivals. I should follow your lead. ~nods~ Best wishes for a healthier spring and summer, my dear.
Diane said…
Hi Pam, I hope by now the itch is over. It seems every time I go in the garden something bites me!!! At the end of the year it is the harvest mites but at this time of the year I have not tracked down the culprit. Boy do they itch!! Sorry I am not keeping up with blogs but will try to do one before the end of March. Nigel's back is not doing well so I am extra, extra busy. Wishing you all the very best. Diane
Ann said…
I tend to get a bit of a rash whenever I do any weeding for some reason.
Dishcloths are a nice quick project to crochet.
I hope the itch and the rash go away soon. Hello beautiful Misty!
I do hope the rash clears up quickly for you.
I like the wash-cloths.

All the best Jan
Marie Smith said…
The hummers arrive here much later. Some of the other species are back already though.

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